Managing Voicemail
The Voicemail module enables you (a Knowledge Worker) to receive voice messages on the business phone even when you are unavailable. You can listen to the voicemails later and perform actions accordingly.
The Voicemail module allows you to perform the following functions:
- Record a greeting for your voicemail inbox.
- Listen to the recorded greeting.
- Download the greeting.
- Listen to the voicemails received.
- Download the voicemail in your inbox.
You can use the recorded greeting to provide information when the caller reaches your voicemail.
Recording a Voicemail
You can record a voicemail greetings message, when a caller is unable to reach you this recorded messaged to played to the caller.
To record a voicemail:
- Click the User Voicemail Greeting option.
- Click Record New Greeting to start recording a greeting for your inbound voicemail.
You can see the duration of your voicemail greeting. To listen to your greeting, click the Play icon ().

The User Voicemail area displays voicemails received in your voicemail inbox with the following information:
- Date/Time: Date and time of the voicemail received.
- Voicemail Box: Name of the voicemail box.
- Length: Time duration of the voicemail.
- Audio: Option to listen to the voicemail, adjust the playback speed, and download the voicemail.
Downloading and Changing the Audio speed of a Voicemail
To download the voicemail:
- Click the Kebab menu () next to your voicemail from the Audio column.
- Click Download.
The message is downloaded to your system. - Click the Kebab menu () from the Audio column to change the playback speed of the voicemail.