The Agent Desktop with Extended Panel is an Agent Desktop that displays the Agent Panel and additional widgets within the same screen.

The widgets, format (tile or tab), order, and state (for example, InCall, Ready, Not Ready, etc., or independent of agent state) depend on the configuration defined by your manager.

The example below shows the Agent Desktop with the following four widgets displayed within the Extended Panel (in tile format)

  • Contact List: Displays the contact list on your desktop.
  • Productivity: Displays a view of your performance as compared with other top-performing agents.
  • Time Distribution: Displays your time distribution for the day according to status.
  • Term Code distribution: Displays the term code distribution results for the day's calls.
  • Embedded widgets are re-sizable. The arrow in the upper right expands/collapses the widget. They do not have browser controls (back, refresh, etc.).
  • If the tables, graphs, or charts do not display in full, you can expand the widget or ask the manager to switch from tiles to tab format.

Widgets can be displayed in the tab format as shown below:

  • You can collapse or expand the agent panel depending on the space required for the widgets.
  • You can maximize your desktop screen for any widget-based application.
  • You can collapse the agent panel on the Unified Agent Desktop by using the collapse icon (three horizontal bars) in the upper-left corner of the agent panel.
  • If the agent panel is collapsed when you are on a call, call controls are minimized to be available in a separate Call Controls pop-up window.
  • You can also minimize the Call Controls window by using the minimize icon.
  • You can return to the original view (agent panel with the extended panel) by using the arrow icon in the upper-left corner of the panel.

Collapsing or expansion of Agent panel is not available in tiles format of widgets.