The LiveVox platform has been rebranded as SmartReach! However, we want to assure you that the platform is the same, only the name has changed. LiveVox = SmartReach. Throughout our documentation, we are gradually replacing the name LiveVox with SmartReach to match the updated user interface. This is an ongoing process and might take a few versions to complete.

SmartReach is a cloud-based contact center platform that you can use to manage and interact with customers across multiple channels, including voice, email, text, and social media. The SmartReach portal contains a comprehensive suite of features, including inbound and outbound call management, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) capabilities, predictive dialing, SMS and email campaign management, and customer relationship management (CRM) integration.

SmartReach helps large-scale contact center operations, such as financial services, healthcare, and telecom companies manage customer interactions more efficiently, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction by providing agents with the tools they need to handle calls and other interactions effectively.

The SmartReach portal is a browser-based application that allows you to organize and customize your contact center (known as Call Center on LVP) data to meet the needs of your business. As an administrator or a manager (supervisor), you can use the SmartReach portal for system configuration, user and data management, performance monitoring, and reporting. In addition, you can access compliance tools, listen to recorded calls, and monitor the platform and agents

  • Agents can log in to the agent version of the portal called the Agent Desktop or access SmartReach features from a desktop application called Agent Desktop Native (ADN).
  • For information about the Agent Desktop, see the Agent Guides section in the Product Documentation Library.
  • For information about ADN, see the Agent Desktop Native Installation topic in the Infosheets section in the Product Documentation Library.


This guide is intended for the individuals who are responsible for the management of contact centers or the administration of contact center technology. For more information, see User Roles and Permissions in the Product Documentation Library.

What's New in the LiveVox / SmartReach Fall 24 Version?

The following enhancements have been incorporated into the Fall 24 version of the SmartReach platform. For additional information, see the Fall 24 Release Notes.

  • User interface enhancements: The Fall 24 version of the SmartReach software includes a host of user interface (UI) enhancements designed to make our product more appealing and easy to use. These changes include updates to the layout and design of many features.
  • Attempt Supervisor has been enhanced so that when an agent replies to an SMS message in a thread, the reply is not counted as a contact attempt. This enhancement applies to agent and automated replies and prevents Attempt Supervisor from blocking replies on active conversations. New conversations cannot be initiated once you reach the maximum attempt limit.
  • Chat:
    • Hide or Show the Chat Widget: You can now configure the chat widget to be visible or hidden on the web page using the hideInactiveChat property within the snippet code . If you do not include the hideInactiveChat property, the default behavior on the web page is to make the chat widget visible. The chat widget cannot be hidden while the customer is in an active chat conversation.
    • Open the Chat Widget Using a Website Trigger: You can now configure a button or link on the web page to open the SmartReach web widget using a JavaScript function. When your customer visits your web page, the web widget may initially be minimized or hidden. When the customer clicks the button or link, the widget opens into its fully expanded state.
    • Starting a Web Chat: You can now customize a web widget to show or hide a welcome page. The welcome page allows you to present your business information, greetings, chat hours, and ticket forms to the customer.
  • Contact Flow:
    • Transition module: A new property named Return to the Parent Flow with Event has been added. You can use this property to return to a parent contact flow from a child contact flow.
    • Email module: A new property named Agent Can Edit From Address has been added. If the value of this property is set to Yes, then agents can edit the From Address field before sending emails to customers.
  • CXone Integration: When enabled and configured, you can see the CXOne Admin, CXOne Supervisor, and other Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) applications under the Application launcher icon, if you have both the CXOne and SmartReach applications.
  • Email:
    • Administrators can configure whether the agent can alter the “From” address when sending a templated email
    • The email threading period has increased from 15 to 30 days. When the customer replies to an outbound email within 30 days, we associate the inbound email with the original outbound email thread. Threading impacts agent routing and how emails appear within the customer Interaction History
  • Integrations: We have partnered with Jack Henry Symitar, a leading provider of technology solutions for credit unions and other financial institutions. Symitar, a division of Jack Henry & Associates, focuses on delivering innovative and comprehensive core processing systems to help financial institutions streamline their operations, enhance customer experiences, and stay competitive in the ever-evolving financial services industry.
  • WhatsApp: You can now configure the WhatsApp channel on the SmartReach portal for outbound campaigns and inbound messages. You can create a campaign to initiate WhatsApp messages to consumers using an approved WhatsApp template. You can use a Chat bot to automatically reply to inbound messages from the consumer or connect the conversation to an agent. An agent can reply to inbound messages when the LVP admin enables the WhatsApp channel for the agent.
  • Monitor Dashboard: You can now do the following:
    • Create new dashboards and clone existing dashboards.
    • Share dashboards.
    • Customize dashboards and add omnichannel widgets.
    • Use an SLA management system to monitor alerts.
    • Manage dashboards.
  • Contact Center CRM enhancements:
    • Ticket reports: A new section named Ticket Reports has been added in the Review tab and contains a variety of reports that you can use to view data related to your tickets in different formats and over a variety of time periods.
    • Ticket APIs: We have created new public API methods for Ticketing. These APIs enable scalable and flexible ticket handling for large volumes of tickets and allow you enable automated ticket creation, updates, and tracking.
    • Interaction APIs: We have created new public API methods for interactions. By opening the interactions database through public APIs, businesses can consolidate communication data from multiple systems into one central platform, giving agents and managers a comprehensive view of all consumer interactions.

The following sections will help you start using the SmartReach portal: