SpeechIQ is LiveVox's Speech Analytics platform that analyzes call recordings by using important interaction data such as, silence time, talk time, keywords, agent/customer sentiments, and script compliance to evaluate an agent's performance. You can view all the interaction data in a single place to accurately and consistently evaluate performance and identify training needs. 

SpeechIQ processes the interaction data, performs automatic scoring of all interactions with customized scorecards based on keywords and phrases, detects sentiments and intents, transcribes the voice calls, and prepares reports and alerts. The Reporting section in SpeechIQ allows you to view, export, or print all Speech Analytics data reports.

  • The SpeechIQ feature comes at an additional cost. SpeechIQ, Call Recording Report, and Screen Recording Report options are available on the Workforce Optimization (WFO) tab if the SpeechIQ, call recording, and screen recording add-on products are enabled. Contact your Account team to enable this feature
  • Voice interactions are processed only if you have enabled call recording services.
  • Depending on the configuration, the recorded interactions are uploaded to LiveVox's cloud-based system using a secure FTP and are queued for auto-processing.

Accessing SpeechIQLink to Accessing SpeechIQ

To access the SpeechIQ feature, othe WFO tab of the LVP, click SpeechIQ:

This section contains the following topics:

  • Configuring SpeechIQ - You will need to first configure SpeechIQ before starting to use. This sections helps you to add agents you want to score, identify assessors and arbitrators, identify keywords, create scorecards and scorecard categories, create and assign review tasks to assessors and arbitrators, maintain information about the agent's skills and also create a library of various assets that can be shared between clients, etc.
  • Searching and Scoring Interactions - Once the basic settings are in place for SpeechIQ, you can start scoring an interaction. Use this section to learn how to score an interaction.
  • Accessing a Dashboard - The Dashboard provides quality related statistical data in the form of charts and tables. The SpeechIQ Analytics Dashboard is a customizable dashboard to display reports and metrics at-a-glance.
  • Viewing Reports - The different reports available in SpeechIQ provide details related to call recording, keywords, scorecards, skills, agents, interaction intents, calibration tasks, and other analytics data.
  • Using Word Cloud - Use the Word Cloud to identify the usage of different keywords and their frequencies.