To define default SLAs:

  1. On the toolbar, click the gear icon gear icon.
    The Default SLA tab appears.
  2. On the Default SLA tab, in the rows displaying the statistic parameters for which you want to define default SLAs, as required, in the Too low and Too high columns:
    1. Double-click the Violation cell, and then enter a value.
    2. Double-click the Warning cell, and then enter a value.

      The Not ready duration statistic parameter is split to accommodate the reasons for an agent to not be in the Ready state. You can specify different SLAs for each of them as appropriate (for example, one hour for lunch or 15 minutes for break, as represented in the following image). 

      • You can revert all your changes (before you save them) by using the Undo client SLA changes icon Undo client SLA changes icon.
      • You can refresh the tab (to see the latest values) by using the Click to get the last client SLA icon Click to get the last client SLA icon.
  3. Click the Save client SLA changes icon Save client SLA changes icon.
    Default SLAs are saved.