The LiveVox voicemail feature provides two types of voicemail boxes - Agent's personal and Group voicemail.  While group voicemail can be accessed by many people, agent's personal voicemail is specific only to agents. 

  • Personal and group Voicemails are available on the agent desktop for the current month and the previous month.
  • For a personal inbox, you get a real-time notification. For group inbox, it may take up to five seconds for you to receive a notification.

  • Voicemail storage capacity is increased to 500 MB.
  • Voicemail 2.0 provides access to the Voicemail Recording Report. 

Checking Voicemail

To check group or personal voicemail on the agent desktop, follow the procedure below:

  1. Click on the Inbox tab to access voicemail. The tab will display the personal and group voicemail boxes you have access to and the number of unheard messages out of total message. 

  2. Select an option from the list of personal or group voicemails.
  3. The caller ID, date, and time is displayed on the agent desktop.
  4. Hovering over the number displays the resolve () icon. You can click on the resolve icon to resolve the voicemail from the list.

  5. Click on the required voicemail row. You are presented with the below screen: 
    • Click the play button( ) to play the audio and the audio scroll gets moving.
    • Click the download button () to download to download the voicemail. 

      Voicemail audio is stored in mp3 format. 

    • Adjust the volume by using the volume scroll next download button.

Agent and group voicemail boxes cannot be accessed outside the LiveVox Agent Desktop.

Recording Personal Greeting

You can record or upload a personal greeting message (supported file format: .WAV) for your personal voicemail. To record/upload a personal greeting message, go to your personal voicemail. Click the cog icon () as shown below, you are presented with the Record Greeting window.

To record a personal message:

  1. Click the microphone button (). Start speaking your message. You are displayed with the stop or pause buttons to stop or pause your message recording. 
  2. Click on stop button ( ) once you finished the message. Maximum time allowed per the recording is 30 seconds.

    When you are recording a personal greeting message and only 10 seconds are left from the maximum allowed time, you are presented with the below notification:

  3. Once you click the stop button, you are presented with the play recording option. Click the play button () to listen a personal message recording.
  4. Once you are good with your recorded message, click the Save button. You are displayed the below message:

To upload a personal greeting message:

  1. Click the Upload button from the Record Greeting window.
  2. Select the file from your computer that you want to upload (supported file format: .WAV).
  3. Click the Save button. You are displayed the below message: