You can configure a Voicemail Box to play an audio recording to the caller, receive an email notification when someone leaves a voicemail, and enable multiple users to access the voicemail box.

Add a Voicemail Box

  1. Navigate to Phone System Voicemail Boxes and click Add Voicemail Box. The Add Voicemail Boxes screen appears.
  2. Enter the required details in each of the tabs.

    Mailbox IDEnter the digits that will identify this voicemail box.
    DescriptionDescribe the purpose of the IVR. This value is visible on the Voicemail Box screen and helps identify the box.
    Domain Select the domain that contains the team or site the user is a part of.
    PasswordEnter a password for the voicemail box.
    GreetingUser Recorded Message. To add an audio file to this menu, see Recordings.
    Mail ToEmail ID that you want the voicemail notification sent to.
    File Method

    Email File Attachment

    Listen Link (Login Required) (how is this configured?)

    Download Link (No Login Required)

    Keep Local

    Yes (what does this mean?)


    Time ZoneSelect the timezone (of? What does this imply?)
    User(s) Approved for Voicemail BoxSelect the users who can access the voicemail box
  3. Click Save Voicemail Box to complete the process and return to the Voicemail Boxes screen where the new box appears in the table (unsure is the underlined part is required).

Edit or delete a voicemail box

  1. Click the required row in the table on the Voicemail Box screen. The Edit Voicemail Boxes screen appears.
  2. Edit the required fields. See Add a Voicemail Box for field descriptions.

  3. The next actions you may take on this page are:

    UI element



    Use the slider to set the availability of the voicemail box in the phone system.

    Click to delete the IVR menu. In the confirmation popup window, click Yes, Delete!

    On deletion, the page redirects to the Voicemail Boxes screen.

    Save Voicemail BoxClick to save your edits and return to the Voicemail Boxes screen.