Managing phone number records include functionalities search, view, and edit inbound phone numbers and their mappings.

The General tab on the Phone Numbers editor compiles and displays the details of all client-assigned phone numbers (Agent Dial-In numbers, Extensions, Agent Direct Lines, LCID, Inbound numbers, and Caller ID numbers) within the tool for ease of management.

Viewing Phone Number Records

You can customize the display of the General tab within the Phone Column grid.

  • Use the cog icon of the Agents editor to customize the column display.

    1. Click the cog icon to open the Customize Column window.
    2. Use the check box to select the field you want to be displayed and uncheck those that should be hidden. Use the Select All check box to select all the fields. The following fields are available in the Phone Column Grid:

      Inbound NumberDisplays the phone number.
      Inbound ServiceDisplays the inbound service assigned to the phone number.
      Number TypeDisplays the number type for the phone number.
      AgentDisplays the agent assigned to either the Extension or Agent Direct Line number.
      Emergency Service Activation StatusDisplays the emergency service activation status of the phone number.
      Call CenterDisplays to which call center the phone number belongs.
      Inbound MessageDisplays the assigned inbound message.
      LCID PackageDisplays the Local Caller ID (LCID) package that lists the number.
      Number Usage

      Indicates the purpose of a phone number. The phone number usage can be associated with email, mail, SMS, or voice campaigns.

      CityThe city registered as the primary address of the contact.
      StateThe state registered as the primary address of the contact.
      DescriptionOptional field allowing users to add notes or a description.
      Activity DateDisplays the last activity date.
      Provisioned DateDisplays the date, on which the phone number was assigned to the service.
      Created ByDisplays the LiveVox resource that created the number.
      Last Modified ByDisplays the last resource that adjusted a setting in the Phones Column grid.
      ActiveDisplays the active status of the number.
    3. Re-sequence the fields by selecting a field and moving it up or down using the appropriate arrows.
    4. Choose which field to use for ordering the displayed information from the Sort Order drop-down.
    5. If you prefer ascending order, select the Ascending checkbox.
    6. Click Ok to update the view.
  • You can also search, view, and edit inbound phone numbers and their mappings.

    The available Search options are as below:

    Search OptionDescription
    Filter Options available are All, City, Inbound Number, and State.
    Number TypeOptions available are Agent at ready in, Callback, Caller ID, Group voice mail, Inbound, Local caller ID, Other, and Personal voice mail.
    Emergency Service Activation StatusAllows you to search the phone numbers based on their emergency service activation status. Select a status from the drop-down list and click the search icon.
    Search ByOptions available are Starts With, Contains, Ends With, and Regex.
    StatusActive or Inactive.
    LCID PackageAllows users to select a Local Caller ID (LCID) package from the drop-down list. The package contains a list of local caller ID numbers, any one of which (depending on geography) is designed to be displayed on a call recipient’s caller ID.
  • Double-click an inbound phone number row. The Edit Phone Number screen is displayed.

    The Edit Phone Number pop-up displays the following options:

    Inbound NumberDisplays the phone number listed as the inbound number.
    DescriptionOptional field allowing users to add notes/descriptions.
    Direct Line for AgentDisplays the inbound phone number identified as the direct line for an agent.
    Number TypeDisplays the number type for the phone number.
    Number Usage

    Displays the usage of a phone number. You can associate the phone number usage with the following:

    • Email: Select the Email option to assign the phone number to an email campaign.
    • Mail:  Select the Mail option to assign the phone number to a mail campaign.
    • SMS: Select the SMS option to assign the phone number to an SMS campaign.
    • Voice: Select the Voice option to assign the phone number to a voice campaign.
    Inbound ServiceSelect to assign inbound service to the phone number. Click on the link next to the Inbound Service drop-down menu to select a service. 
    StateThe state registered as the primary address of the contact.
    CityThe city registered as the primary address of the contact.
    StatusEditable field for the current status of the phone number. Possible values include Active and Inactive.
    Active DateDisplays the last activity date.
    Provisioned DateDisplays the date on which the phone number was assigned to the service.
    Emergency Service Activation StatusDisplays the status of Emergency Service Activation. It can be ACTIVE or NON_ACTIVE depending on the Emergency Service Activation.
    Call CenterAllows you to select the Call Center for the phone number.
    FilterFilters the list of displayed entities by type.
    Associated EntitiesIndicates if an Inbound number is part of an LCID package, Call-In Group, Agent Audio Path, Service Caller ID, Message template or Agent Phonebook.

Direct Line Agent

If you select Direct Line for Agent, the Agent Selection window is displayed by clicking on the link next to the agent name. On the Agent Selection window, you can select an agent to associate with the inbound phone number. The Direct Line for Agent displays the inbound phone number associated as a direct line for an agent. The associated inbound number populates when the option is set up. You can also search for the inbound number and assign that number as a direct line.

Contact the LiveVox Customer Care Team for assistance with the setup.

The Agent Selection pop-up displays the following options:

SearchSelect the Search icon to search for an agent.
Logon IDDisplays the logon ID of the agent.
Agent TeamDisplays the team to which the agent belongs.
First NameDisplays the first name of the agent.
Last NameDisplays the last name of the agent.

The Phone Numbers editor does not allow you to add or edit an extension-type phone number.

Bulk Updating Phone Number Records

You can use the Phone Numbers editor to make changes to the information related to a set of filtered phone numbers.

To bulk update phone number records, follow the procedure below:

  1. Filter the set of phone numbers that you want to edit by using the search options.
  2. Once the list is generated, click the Bulk Change button to apply changes to the filtered list of phone numbers. The Bulk Change window is displayed.

  3. Select the checkbox next to the fields that you want to update, and then specify the updated information in the corresponding fields.
  4. Click the Save button to save the changes.