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You can enable your agents to efficiently assist your customers and the customers to assist themselves by providing them with the Knowledge Base (KB) portal. The KB portal, which is an online library of information about your product and services, provides a centralized database for collecting, organizing, retrieving, and sharing information. The portal stores information in the form of articles, which are either files or web-crawled content (that is, content from integrated websites).

If KB is added to an Agent Desktop, your agents can attempt to find the information they need to assist their customers by using relevant KB articles. 

If KB is added to a web widget, before deciding to chat with an agent, your customers can attempt to find the information they need by using relevant KB articles, which appear as they type their message in the text box of the web widget. 

  • For information about how to add KB to an Agent Desktop, see the Designer Guide.
  • For information about how to add KB to a web widget, see the Web Widget section of the LiveVox Administrative User Guide.

You can configure KB through the Knowledge Base section of the Configure tab. This section contains the following subsections:

  • Config: Enables you to manage KB portals, tags, categories, sections, and questions for KB articles.
  • Content Library: Enables you to manage KB articles and associate them with tags, categories, sections, and questions.
  • Search: Enables you to preview a KB portal and search for its articles.

The KB feature comes at an additional cost and can be enabled through your Account team.

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