KB articles are intended to provide valuable information to both your agents and customers. The articles can include information such as:
Best practices
Frequently asked questions
Interoperability information
Scenario or solution-based content
Tips and tricks
Troubleshooting and workarounds
To upload an article to the content library:
In the Knowledge Base Content Manager window, clickUpload Content. TheArticle Formwindow appears.
Select one of the following options:
File:This option is selected by default. Retain the status if you want to upload a file containing the article from your computer.
Webcrawl:Select this option if you want to specify the URL of the article.
Select one of the following options:
Private:This option is selected by default. Retain the status if you do not want the article to be accessible to your customers.
Public:Select this option if you want the article to be accessible to your customers.
Specify values in the fields as required.
If you want to publish the article, clickPublish. Otherwise, clickSave.
Only published articles appear on a KB portal.
After the article is published, its status might be temporarilyPENDING.
After you attempt to publish the article, if the status changes toCOMPLETED WITH ERRORS, attempt to publish the article again.
The article is uploaded, and it appears in the table in theKnowledge Base Content Managerwindow.
The following table describes the fields that appear in theArticle Formwindow when uploading an article.
Upload Option for Which This Field Appears
Path to the file containing the article on your computer.
To select the file from your computer, use the magnifying glass icon .
The maximum file size is 50 MB.
URL of the web page that contains the article.
If you enter an incorrect URL, you cannot publish the article—when you attempt to publish such an article, the status becomesFAILED.
Name for the article, if you selected theWebcrawloption.
Name of the file, which appears by default, if you selected a file in theArticlefield. You can, however, modify the value.
Ensure that the name is related to the article.
Description for the article.
Ensure that the description is one that can help users easily identify the intent of the article.
Level of the article on the associated web page. For example, if the value is 0, the content that appears on the associated webpage is considered as the article. If the value is 1, the content that appears on the associated webpage and the content that appears on the next page whose link may be provided on the associated webpage are considered as the articles.
Security Protocol Model
If you want users to sign in to access the article on the associated webpage, select a security model in the field.
Refresh Frequency
Weekly:Indicates that the article is updated on the KB portal once each week to display the current content from its webpage.
Monthly:Indicates that the article is updated on the KB portal once each month to display the current content from its webpage.
Category associated with the article.
The value in this field is used to search for the article.
Section (of the selected category) associated with the article.
The value in this field is used to search for the article.
This field appears only when you select a value in theCategoryfield.
Keywords or labels associated with the article.
The value in this field is used to search for the article.
Questions that could be commonly or frequently asked and are answered through the article.
To create a question for the article, use theNewbutton.