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In the Knowledge Portal window, you can preview a published KB portal, search for published articles uploaded to the portal, and see how the articles appear based on your search. Depending on the configuration of the portal, top-ranked articles and questions appear.

Before you preview a KB portal:

  1. On the Configure tab, go to Knowledge Base > Config.
    The Knowledge Base Config window appears.
  2. Select the row displaying the KB portal that you want to preview, and then click Reset LVP Default.

  3. In the same row, in the PUBLISHED column, select the checkbox.

To preview a KB portal:

  1. In the Knowledge Portal window, specify values in the following fields as required.

    Restrict Category

    Category based on which you want to search for articles.

    This field appears depending on the configuration of the portal (that is, if the Category checkbox is selected for the portal).

    Restrict Section

    Section (sub-category) based on which you want to search for articles.

    This field appears depending on the configuration of the portal (that is, if the Section checkbox is selected for the portal).

    Private ArticlesIndicates if only private articles are to be displayed.
    Public ArticlesIndicates if only public articles are to be displayed.
    SearchQuestion, keyword (tag), or any text that exists in the articles for which you want to search.
  2. Press Enter.
    A list of articles that meet the filter criteria and the questions assigned to the articles appears. Relevant articles appear first on the list.

    • A file article is represented by the file icon file icon.
    • A webpage article is represented by the cloud icon cloud.
    • A question is represented by the question mark icon question_mark.

  3. Click an article or question.
    The article appears.

    Depending on the configuration of the portal:

    • The article appears either in a new tab or within the portal.

    • If the article appears within the portal, the word or phrase for which you searched is highlighted in the article wherever it appears.

    If the article appears within the portal, you can:

    • Download the article (if it is a file) by using the Download icon Download icon.
    • View the article in a new tab by using the Show in new tab icon Show in new tab icon.
    • Go back to the list of top-ranked articles and questions by using the Return to the list of top-ranked questions icon Return to the list of top-ranked questions icon.
    • Go back to the list of search results by using the Return to results list icon Return to results list.
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