LiveVox is proud to announce the release of the Spring 24 version of the LiveVox software platform. This upgrade is available to all LiveVox customers.

Upgrade Recommendations

To upgrade your LiveVox software, contact For information about upgrade prerequisites, see the LiveVox Upgrade Prerequisites.

End of Support Announcements

For information regarding products and services that are no longer supported or the support has changed, see End of Support Announcements


The Spring 24 version of the LiveVox software includes a host of new features and functionality for LiveVox Administrators. If you are a LiveVox Administrator, see the Release Notes for Administrators.


The Spring 24 version of the LiveVox software includes a host of new features and functionality for LiveVox Agents. If you are a LiveVox Agent, see the Release Notes for Agents.

API Updates

The Spring 24 version of the LiveVox software includes changes to the LiveVox Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). For information about the API updates, see API Updates.  


The following documentation supports the Spring 24 version of the LiveVox software platform version: