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For a script to be available to your agents, you must assign the script to the same services as the agents.

To assign a Script to a Service:

  1. Click Scripts SCRIPTS.
    A table of scripts appears.
  2. Select the row displaying the script that you want to assign to a service, and then click Services.
    A section displaying the Service field appears.

  3. In the Service field, select the service that you want to assign to the script, and then click Add.
    A check is performed to ensure that the script is valid.

    You can easily assign scripts to services because the services are organized in alphabetical order in a drop-down list. The list displays the call center, service, and service ID; for example, Dallas: Customer Care: 12345. In addition, you can navigate to the required services by entering the service name in the typehead of the search field. When you assign a Script to the Service, the information is updated in the list.

    • You can add the script for more than one service. Select the Service from the dropdown list and click Add.
    • You can remove the assignment by selecting the row displaying the service and then clicking Delete.
    • You can hide the section by clicking Services again.
    • You can delete the currently assigned service and reassign it to a new service.

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