
Contact List is a component that displays a table of Contacts and enables you to create and modify Contacts. Depending on the configuration of the Contact List component, you can additionally:

  • Delete Contacts.
  • View the Accounts and Tickets linked to a Contact through the Accounts tab and the Tickets tab of the Contact, respectively.
  • Play the audio recording associated with a Contact through the Interactions tab of the Contact.
  • Call a function through a function button. 

Depending on the web widget configuration, a Contact may be created automatically when a customer using the web widget submits a Ticket.

Creating a Contact

To create a Contact:

  1. In the Contacts List section, click New
    The New Contact window appears.

    If the Select Form window appears instead of the New Contact window, select the web form that is applicable to the Contact you want to create.

  2. Specify values in the fields.

    For information about the fields, see Contact Fields.

  3. Click Save.
    A message stating that the Contact has been created appears. The Contact details appear.

  • If the web form contains fields associated with the Account and Ticket entities, an Account and a Ticket are also created.
  • If you modified the values in the fields and want to revert all changes, click Reset.
  • To create another Contact, click New.
  • To view the table of Contacts, click the Close iconClose icon.

Show Me How

This video shows how to use the Interactions tab in the U-CRM pane to access all activity for a customer across communications channels.

Accessing a Contact

To access a Contact from the table in the Account List section, double-click the row displaying the Account.

By default, the Interactions tab of a Contact displays only the interactions that are connected to an agent. To view the interactions that are not connected to an agent, clear the Exclude Non Agent checkbox on the tab.

Creating an Associated Entity for a Contact

To create an Account, note, task, or Ticket for a Contact, access the Contact, and then, on the New menu, click the corresponding option.

The Account, note, task, and Ticket you create for a Contact appear on the Accounts, Notes, Tasks, and Tickets tabs of the Account, respectively.

Linking a Contact to an Entity

To link a Contact to an existing Account or Ticket, access the Contact, and then, on the Link menu, click the corresponding option.

The Account and Ticket you link to a Contact appear on the Accounts and Tickets tabs of the Contact, respectively.

Deleting a Contact

To delete a Contact, access the Contact, and then, on the More menu, click Delete