The Scheduler section enables you to view your schedule, request swapping of shifts, and request leaves.

This feature must be enabled by your manager.

Viewing Your Schedule

Depending on how your manager has configured the scheduler, the scheduler appears as an icon on the Home Bar or as the Scheduler section. If the Scheduler section appears on your desktop, ignore step 1 in the following procedure.

To view your schedule:

  1. On the Home Bar, click the scheduler icon.
    The Scheduler section appears, displaying the calendar for the current month, along with the shifts assigned to you. The range of the calendar, containing the day, date, month, and year appear below the calendar.

  2. Click Expanded.
    The shifts on the calendar expand, displaying the following information:

    • Shift start time
    • Shift end time
    • Break time
  • If your manager has configured break reminders, depending on the configuration of the reminder, you will receive notifications about your shift start or end, or break start or end.
  • To view the calendar only for the current week and the next week, on the Month menu, click Two Week.
  • To view the calendar only for the current week, on the Month menu, click Week.
  • To view the calendar only for the current day, on the Month menu, click Day.
  • To view the calendar only for the current month on the Month menu, click Month.
  • To view the calendar on which the current day appears, click Today.
  • To view the previous page in the calendar, click the left arrow icon.
  • To view the next page in the calendar, click the right arrow icon.

On Phone

You can use the Mobile Agent to view your schedule on your phone.

  • To view your schedule, tap the accordion menu and select Week, Month, or Day. Your schedule appears in a weekly calendar by default. Scroll through the calendar to view other dates.
  • To view a day’s schedule in a 24-hour format, tap a date in the calendar that is highlighted by a blue dot. The assigned shifts are displayed by time slots.
  • To view the shift details for a given date, tap the date, and then tap the scheduled shift. The details include Date, Time, Call Center, and Area.

Requesting Shift Swapping

You can swap your shifts with those of other agents.

Depending on how your manager has configured the scheduler, the scheduler appears as an icon on the Home Bar or as the Scheduler section. If the Scheduler section appears on your desktop, ignore step 1 in the following procedure.

To request a shift swap:

  1. On the Home Bar, click the scheduler icon.
    The Scheduler section appears.
  2. Double-click the date containing the shift that you want to swap.
    A window displaying the Make a shift swap request tab appears.
  3. Specify values in the following fields:

    • Shift to swap: By default, this field contains the shift that you double-clicked. You can, however, change the shift.

    • New shift date and time: Select the date and the time to which you want to change your shift.

    • Comment: If required, enter the reason for swapping your shift.
      The names of the agents whose shifts overlap with the shift to which you want to swap your shift, along with the shift period, appear in the Shifts Available section.

  4. In the Shifts Available section, select the agent with whose shift you want to swap your shift, and then click the right arrow icon.
    The shift appears in the Shifts Desired section.

    • You can move multiple agents to the Shifts Desired section.
    • You can revert the change by clicking the reset icon .
    • You can move a value from the Shifts Desired section to the Shifts Available section by selecting the value in the former section and then clicking the left arrow icon .


  5. Click Request Shift Swap.
    The shift swapping request is sent to the agents that you selected.
  • The agent who receives your request can accept or reject the request.
  • If an agent accepts your request and your manager has configured the shift swapping request workflow such that their approval is needed for shift swapping requests, your request is sent to the manager for approval.
  • If an agent accepts your request and your manager has configured the shift swapping request workflow such that their approval is not needed for shift swapping requests, your shift is automatically swapped.

On Phone

You can use the Mobile Agent to request swapping of shifts.

To request a shift swap:

  1. Tap the required date, and then tap the assigned shift.
  2. In the Shift Detail view, tap the Swap button to view the available shifts.
  3. Select the New Shift date to view the available shifts, which may include the shifts offered by other agents, and open or new shifts created by your manager.
  4. Depending on the availability, select the required shift, and then tap Request Swap.

Viewing the Status of a Shift Swapping Request

To view the status of a shift swapping request, in the Scheduler section, click Sent Agent Requests.
The Sent Agent Requests window appears. This window displays the Shift Swap tab, which contains all your shift swapping requests in a table. The table displays the following columns.

  • Shift: Name of the shift offered by the agent who accepted the request.

    If applicable, this column contains a value only if your manager has approved the request.

  • Date: Date of the offered shift.
  • Time: Time of the offered shift.
  • Shift: Name of your original shift.
  • Date: Date of the requested shift.
  • Time: Time of the requested shift.
  • Agent: Name of the agent with whose shift you requested your shift to be swapped.

Requesting Leave

Depending on how your manager has configured the scheduler, the scheduler appears as an icon on the Home Bar or as the Scheduler section. If the Scheduler section appears on your desktop, ignore step 1 in the following procedure.

To request a leave of absence:

  1. On the Home Bar, click the scheduler icon.
    The Scheduler section appears.
  2. Double-click the date on which you want to take leave.
    A window displaying the following tabs appears:
    • Make a shift swap request
    • Make a time off request
  3. Click the Make a time off request tab.
  4. Specify values in the following fields.

    CategorySelect the reason for absence.
    Start dateBy default, this field contains the date that you double-clicked. You can, however, change the date.
    End dateBy default, this field contains the date that you double-clicked. You can, however, change the date.
    Start timeThis field is disabled by default. If you want to take leave only for some duration of the specified period (that is, the start and end dates), clear the All day checkbox, and then enter the start time of the duration.
    End timeThis field is disabled by default. If you want to take leave only for some duration of the specified period, clear the All day checkbox, and then enter the end time of the duration.
    All dayThis checkbox is selected by default, indicating that you want to take leave for the entire duration of the specified period. If you want to take leave only for a certain duration of the specified period, clear the checkbox.
    CommentIf required, enter your comment.
  5. Click Request Time Off.
    The leave request is created.
  • If your manager has configured the leave request workflow such that their approval is needed for leave requests, your request is sent to the manager for approval. If you do not belong to an agent team, your leave request is sent to a default manager for approval.
  • If your manager has configured the leave request workflow such that their approval is not needed for leave requests, your leave request is automatically approved.

Viewing the Status of a Leave Request

To view the status of a leave request:

  1. In the Scheduler section, click Sent Agent Requests.
    The Sent Agent Requests window appears.
  2. Click the Time Off tab.
    A table displaying all your leave requests appears. The table displays the following columns:
    • Category
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Time
    • Notes
    • Status
    • Cancel
  3. In the row displaying the leave request whose status you want to view, in the Status column, hover over the icon.
    The status of the request appears.

Canceling a Leave Request

To cancel a leave request:

  1. In the Scheduler section, click Sent Agent Requests.
    The Sent Agent Requests window appears.
  2. Click the Time Off tab.
    A table displaying all your leave requests appears.
  3. In the row displaying the leave request that you want to delete, in the Status column, click the close icon .
    The Warning window appears.
  4. Click Yes.
    The leave request is deleted.