Ticket Dashboard is a component of the Designer panel that displays the following statistics pertaining to tickets for the current day:

  • Total Tickets: Number of tickets.
  • Currently Open: Number of open tickets.
  • Completed Tickets: Number of completed tickets.
  • Total Replies: Interactions created for the selected date range. For example, Email, SMS, and Callback from the ticketing component.
  • Customers Helped: Any ticket opened within the given date range that has an account linked.
  • Contacts Helped: Any ticket opened within the given date range that has a contact linked.
  • Completed Within SLA Limit: Number of tickets addressed within the service-level agreement (SLA) limit.

    The SLA limit is always defined by the priority that is selected for the dashboard.

  • Exceeding SLA Limit: Number of tickets that were not completed within the SLA limit.

    This number also considers canceled tickets.

  • Approaching SLA (Within 20%): Number of tickets that are neither canceled nor closed and are within 20% of the SLA limit.
  • Avg. First Response: Average duration of first response.
  • Avg. Tickets: Average number of tickets.
  • Avg. Replies: Average number of replies.
  • Volume: Volume chart of tickets (total and completed).
  • Peak Hours: Peak-hour chart of tickets.
  • Peak Days: Peak-day chart of tickets.
  • Agents: Top agents chart.
  • Agent Teams: Top agent teams chart.
  • Ticket List: List of tickets.
  • You can filter the dashboard by segment, priority, label, type, and date range.
  • If an agent is not assigned to an agent team, in the Tickets Dashboard section, the segment value is Agent, and the dashboard displays only the tickets that are assigned to the agent for the specified date range. This behavior is also applicable to the Accounts Dashboard section.
  • If an agent is assigned to an agent team, in the Tickets Dashboard section, the segment value is Agent Teams, and the dashboard displays the tickets that are assigned to the agent and agent team such that those assigned to the agent appear first. This behavior is also applicable to the Accounts Dashboard section.