When enabled, the Schedule Callback feature appears on the desktop while you are in the In Call or Wrap Up status and allows you to set a time (and optionally another phone number) when the customer would like a callback.  The following links provide additional information about using this feature.

  • The Scheduled Callback feature supports international phone numbers in E.164 format. The E.164 format is as follows: +<Country-Code> followed by the remaining digits.
    For example, a London UK number in E.164 format is stored as 
    +44 123 456 789.
  • All scheduled callbacks are presented for your review before they are launched. For more information, see the Preview Dialing section. 
  • When you return a call, you can see the inbound number that the customer originally dialed into the contact center. This number is displayed on the agent desktop and the phone number's description is displayed if configured by your manager. You can use this information to identify the origin of the calls.