Use this module to configure hold phrases, whisper settings, classification ID, etc when you transfer a caller to an agent through ACD or 10-digit whisper dialing in an outbound or inbound contact flow.

You can edit a phrase by double-clicking the text field to access the Phrase editor. 

Message PropertiesLink to Message Properties

Display Name
Operator Transfer Prehold Prompt PhrasePrompt to be played before transferring the customer's call.
Operator Transfer Hold PhrasePrompt to be played to the customer while their call is on hold.
(ACD) Agent Skill IDRoute the call to agents with a specific skill ID (for ACD transfer).
(ACD) Priority Escalation DurationThe time a call is on hold before being prioritized over outbound calls in the agent's queue . (for ACD transfer).
(ACD) Agent Team ID ListGrouping of agents based on team ID (for ACD transfer).
(ACD) Agent Team Max Hold TimeWait time value for looking for an Agent Team (for ACD transfer).
Record the Transfer or Nottrue (default)

Advanced PropertiesLink to Advanced Properties

Display Name
Operator Transfer Whisper Phrase Before Transfer AcceptedWhisper phrase to be played to an agent before the call is accepted (for whisper transfer).
Operator Transfer Whisper Phrase After Transfer AcceptedWhisper phrase to be played to an agent after the call is accepted (for whisper transfer).
Timeout Value for Whisper Transfer (in seconds)Wait time value for looking up an agent's availability (in seconds) (for ACD transfer).
(NON ACD) IVR NavigationIVR navigation string to be used during the transfer before reaching the agent (for whisper transfer).
(ACD) Contact Type for Screen PopContact type to be displayed on Screen pop (for ACD transfer).
(ACD) Agent Hold Prompt PhraseThe hold prompt to be played to an agent during agent-to-agent transfer (for ACD transfer).
(ACD) Hold Menu Main Prompt PhraseHold menu to be played to the customer during a call on hold (for ACD transfer).
(ACD) Hold Menu Invalid Prompt PhrasePrompt to be played if the customer enters an invalid key during the hold menu (for ACD transfer).
(ACD) Hold Menu Noinput Prompt PhrasePrompt to be played if the customer does not select any key from the hold menu (for ACD transfer).
(ACD) Hold Menu Max Error Prompt PhrasePrompt to be played if the customer enters the max. limit for invalid entries or no input (for ACD transfer).
(ACD) Call Recording Menu Prompt PhrasePrompt to be played to a customer if their call is being recorded (for ACD transfer).
(ACD) Hold Menu Start Time (in seconds)The time when a hold menu starts after a call is transferred (in seconds) (for ACD transfer).
(ACD) Hold Menu Repeat Interval (in seconds)Time after which the hold menu playback is repeated (in seconds) (for ACD transfer).
(ACD) Hold Menu Max RetriesThe maximum number of attempts for the customer to re-enter a key press (for ACD transfer).
(ACD) PriorityThe value that sets the priority of when the call is handled in the queue.  Users with appropriate access can set this value to any integer between 1 and 100, where 1 is the highest priority. The default priority is a blank or 100.
(ACD) Agent ID ValueAgent ID of the agent who should receive the call.
(ACD) Agent Logon ID Value

Username of the agent who should receive the call.

Configure either operator_transfer_agent_id_value or operator_transfer_agent_logon_id_value, not both. If both values exist, the operator_transfer_agent_id_value property takes precedence.

(ACD) Routing order1
(ACD) Last agent timeout (in seconds)60
(ACD) Owner agent timeout (in seconds) 120
VM Transfer Prehold Message

Configuring acd_agent_lookup_failure_reroute

  • This determines what happens if the agent cannot be found (agent is Not Ready, the agent is not logged in, agent ID does not exist)  

  • The property can be set to 0 or 1.  "0" routes to the Agent Not Available event (connector).  "1" uses the service preferred routing (Service, Service Group, Agent Team).

  • The property is not available in the Contact Flow Editor or Message Editor.  Contact LiveVox customer service to open a work order for adding the property to the database.
  • If the property has no value or does not exist in the message, the transfer will behave as though you have set acd_agent_lookup_failure_reroute = 0.

ConnectorsLink to Connectors

For information on the module connectors, see Understanding Connectors.