Before you create a campaign, you must load the data files either manually (one file at a time) or in bulk. This section details how to upload data files in bulk using the SFTP browser.

If previously set up by LiveVox, you can upload campaign files or retrieve the generated reports from the LiveVox Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) site, using the integrated SFTP Browser. Your SFTP site is an important part of data exchange processes between your list/account management system and LiveVox. Some of these processes are discussed in the Jobs editor section.  

Accessing the SFTP Browser

To access the SFTP browser configuration, on the LiveVox Portal, go to Configure > Input/Output > SFTP Browser.

Uploading Files Using the SFTP Browser

To upload your files using the SFTP browser:

  1. Go to Configure > Input/Output > SFTP Browser.
    The SFTP Browser window opens displaying a list of available folders and subfolders and their contents.
  2. Upload a production file by selecting the FTPIn folder (has to be set up) from the available list to upload.
  3. Click Upload
    The File Upload popup appears.
  4. Click on the Select a File to upload field to browse and select a file on your computer.
  5. Click Upload.
    The new file appears with the list of files in the selected folder.

Files uploaded via the SFTP browser to the ftpIn directory are automatically processed and loaded in the client's campaigns' view in LVP. For more information, contact the LiveVox Customer Care Team.