The Knowledge Base Content Manager window displays all the articles used in the KB portals. In addition to uploading an article, you can use the window to view, modify, filter, download, publish, and delete articles. The following table describes some of the columns that appear in the Knowledge Base Content Manager window.


Contains the pencil icon  to modify the properties of the article.

You cannot modify the article type (file or web crawl).

If the article is not published and you want to publish it, click Publish. If the article is already published and you want to move it to the draft status, click Unpublish.


Contains the close icon  to delete the article.

PublicIndicates if the article is public.
StatusStatus of the article (for example, DRAFT or FAILED).
Status ReasonReason for a given status.
File TypeType of the article file (for example, jpg or pdf).
File SizeSize of the article file.
Last ModifiedDate and time when the article was last modified, in your time zone.
  • You can view an article that is web-crawled content by clicking the View icon View icon in the row displaying the article.
  • You can download an article that is a file by clicking the Download icon Download icon in the row displaying the article.
  • You can filter the articles in the table by entering the partial or full name or description of the article in the Search box. For advanced filtering, use the arrow next to the box. 
  • You can sort the article values in a column in ascending or descending order by clicking the column heading once or twice as required. Alternatively, you can click the arrow next to the column heading and then select Sort Ascending or Sort Descending.
  • You can lock or unlock a column by clicking the arrow next to the column heading and then using the Lock or Unlock option.