You can use the End Call module to configure post-call flows after a call ends. The post-call flow captures the events that occur after a call is dropped or completed. After a call is complete, the End Call module, via the Success event connector, then connects to a post-call flow and executes the subsequent functions. Some of these functions are making API calls, initiating CSAT surveys, and sending SMS or Email messages.

Post-Call flows can be initiated to trigger only the following modules:

Following are some examples of post-call flow processing workflows:

Main Post Call Flow

In this flow, after the greeting prompt is played, the call flow proceeds to the end_call module. The session proceeds to the next module sms and executes. After the SMS message is delivered to the customer, the session then proceeds to the end_call_two module and ends the session. After this flow is complete, the module reports the result.

In this configuration, the post-call flow is executed only after the greeting prompt is completely played. If a customer hangs up during the middle of the prompt, the main call flow will not be executed. 

Global Post Call Flow

In this flow, if the call drops when the greeting prompt is being played, the global_end_call module gets triggered and proceeds to execute the Condition module. Based on the Success event, an HTTP module will initiate an API request and then end at the global_end_call2 module.  

Based on the Failure event, an SMS module will initiate an SMS message and then end at the global_end_call2 module.  The same post-call flow will be executed following the initial call flow logic including the successful completion of the greeting module.