You can configure audio files to play for a caller who is put on hold so they don't hang up. You can use this music to fill in the silence, inform the user of promotions, or reassure them that they are on hold but will be attended to. You can also combine multiple audio files into a playlist if you want the caller to hear different music on hold each time. 

Navigate to Phone System Hold Music. The Music On Hold screen tabulates the details of all the Music On Hold (MOH) files currently in the system.

Click Download to save the MOH files database on your local computer in .csv format.

Add a Music On Hold (MOH) Stream

  1. In the Music On Hold screen, click Add MOH Stream.
    The Add MOH screen appears.
  2. Enter the required details in each of the tabs.

    Basic Details tab

    NameEnter the name of the MOH file

    Select the desired playback frequency of the audio file.






    Choose Yes if you want the audio files in the playlist to play in random order. Selecting No will play the audio files sequentially.


    Select if you want the audio file to be played on a single channel (Mono) or two different (left and right) channels (Stereo).

    IntervalSet the duration (in milliseconds) 

    Audio tab

    In the PBX Admin Portal, navigate to Phone System > Recordings to add audio files that you can then select from the drop-down fields in this tab.

    1. To add an audio file to the playlist, select a file (audio track) from the Audio drop-down menu and click Add Audio
      You can click and drag the rows in the Audio Track table to change the order in which the Music On Hold plays.
    2. To add a chime select a file (audio track) from the Chimes drop-down menu and click Add Chime
      You can click and drag the rows in the Audio Track table to change the order in which the Music On Hold plays.
    Chime FrequencyEnter the time between each chime-in.
    Chime MaxEnter the maximum number of attempts to chime-in
    ChimesSelect the file you want to chime-in using the drop-down.
  3. Click Save MOH to complete the process and return to the Music on Hold screen. The MOH stream appears as a new row in the table.