Agent Statistics (Graphical Format)

You can view the statistics on the Agents widget in the graphical format (default) by using the Flip to Graphical View icon Flip to Graphical View. In the graphical format, you can view the following charts by using the carousel iconcarousel icon.

Agent states

Pie chart of the distribution of agents by state.
Agent States Chart

You can view the number of agents in a given state by hovering over the pie that represents that state. If you do not want to view the statistic of a state in the chart, click that state below the chart.

Live connects

Line chart of the number of calls handled by agents for the last half hour (in increments of five minutes). This chart enables you to compare the volume of connected calls with the volume of agents who are logged on.
Live Connects Chart

Agent state time

Bar chart of the distribution of total time (in minutes) spent by agents in the following states:

  • Not Ready
  • Ready
  • Talk
  • Wrapup
  • Talk

Agent State Time Chart

You can view the duration in each state by hovering over the chart. If you do not want to view the statistic of a state in the chart, click that state below the chart.

Agent Statistics (Tabular Format)

You can view the statistics on the Agents widget in the tabular format by using the Flip to Table View iconFlip to Table View. In the tabular format, you can customize the table by using the Customize Columns icon Customize Columns icon.

For information about how to customize the table, see Customizing a Table.

The following table describes the columns that can be displayed on the Agents widget.

AccountAccount number associated with the call.
Agent SkillAgent skill assigned to the call.
Agent Team

Agent team to which the agent belongs.

Calls (Inbound)Number of inbound calls handled by the agent for the current day.
Calls (Outbound)Number of outbound calls handled by the agent for the current day.
Call Center

Call center associated with the service in to which the agent is signed.

This column does not appear at the call center and service levels.

Call Center ID

ID of the call center associated with the service in to which the agent is signed.

This column does not appear at the call center and service levels.

Call TypeType of call that the agent is handling (for example, direct, HCI, inbound, or outbound).
Customer Phone

Phone number dialed (for outbound) or the ANI (Automatic Number Identification) of the caller (for inbound).

Duration (in secs)Duration for which the agent has been in the current state.
Logon IDLogon ID of the agent.
NameName of the agent.
Reason CodeReason that the agent is in the Not Ready state.
Service ID

ID of the service in to which the agent is signed.

This column does not appear at the service level.

Service Name

Name of the service in to which the agent is signed.

This column does not appear at the service level.

Session IdID of the current session

Current state of the agent, which can be one of the following:

  • Ready: Agent is ready to receive calls.
  • Not Ready: Agent is not ready to receive calls.

  • In Call: Agent is on one or more active calls.

  • Manual Dial: Agent is in the manual dialing mode (on a non-manual service), before dialing is attempted.

  • On Hold: Agent has placed all active calls on hold.

  • Transferring: Agent has been reserved by the Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) and is in the process of being connected to a call.

  • Wrap Up: Agent has concluded the call but is yet to assign a disposition (termination) code.

  • Preview Dialing: Agent is previewing an account and has the option to dial the number presented to them; skip dial the number; or manually dial a different number.

  • In Call (Inbound): Agent is handling an inbound call.

  • In Call (Direct): Agent is handling a direct inbound call on the secondary line.

  • Not Ready (Voice Mail): Agent is checking the personal or group voicemail.

Team ID

ID of the agent team to which the agent belongs.

Total Calls

Number of calls handled by the agent.
Total Not Ready TimeDuration that the agent spent in the Not Ready state.

Total Ready Time 

Duration that the agent spent in the Ready state.
Total Talk TimeDuration that the agent spent in the In Call state.
Total Wrap TimeDuration that the agent spent in the Wrapup state.