LiveVox Connect (LV Connect) acts as a notification or a bulletin board channel specifically designed for the agent desktop. LV Connect displays real-time alerts, posts, and notifications to ensure that agents and managers have up-to-date information about their team and tasks. It acts as a centralized tool for the managers to post updates or reminders to their respective teams, individuals, or an entire group.

You can add LV Connect to the agent's Home Bar or as an Element. When you add it as an icon in the Home Bar, the agent can view the notification at the click of a button. 
To add LV Connect:

  1. Access Designer.

  2. Click Desktops > DESKTOPS.
    Open an existing desktop or create a new desktop.
  3. In the Initial page, select the Home Bar and then click Properties.

  4. Select the required components. For example, select Agent Assist, Allow Create Posts, and LV Connect.
    When you select the components, they appear as an icon in the Home Bar. 
  5. You can also add LV Connect as a tab component. To add LV Connect as a tab, select LV Connect from the Elements section.
  6. Click Properties.
    The Properties tab is displayed.

  7. You can enable Allow Create Posts if you want the agent to create posts.