The account dashboard displays account information. To access the Accounts Dashboard, on the Monitor tab, on the Accounts subtab, click Account Accounts Dashboard.

The following table describes the statistics that appear in the Accounts Dashboard window.

Total AccountsTotal number of accounts.
Accounts CreatedTotal number of accounts created.
Accounts with Open TicketsTotal number of accounts containing open tickets.
Accounts with Completed TicketsTotal number of accounts containing completed tickets.
VolumeDate-wise volume chart of new accounts created. This graph depicts new accounts opened during time period.
Peak HoursPeak-hour chart of accounts. The Peak Hours graph depicts the number of new accounts (cumulative) opened for each hour over the range of hours for the reporting period. Hour range is for each 60-minute interval.
Peak DaysPeak-day chart of accounts.  Peak Day depicts the number of new accounts (cumulative) opened for each day of the range of days for the reporting period.
AgentsTop agents chart. Top Agents depicts the 5 agents that have the greatest number of open accounts for the selected reporting period.
Agent TeamsTop agent teams chart. Top Teams depicts the 5 agent teams that have the greatest number of open accounts for the selected reporting period.
AccountsTable of accounts. The Accounts list allows the user to view a list of the accounts and uses the filter criteria at the top of the dashboard to determine what data is displayed.