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Campaign API
The Campaign API includes a method that allows you to search for completed campaigns that match selected criteria, as well as a method to list account transactions for a campaign.
In the future, many additional methods will be added, to allow full programmatic control over the lifecycle of a campaign, as well as real-time metrics about campaigns.
See the LiveVox API Overview for a general description of how to interact with the API.
- The user must have successfully logged into the LiveVox platform to obtain a valid Session ID. See Session Management for more information.
- The user must have an active subscription to the Campaign API, in order to obtain an Access Token for use in all API requests. See Access Tokens for details.
- All messages in this API may be subject to rate limits and other restrictions.
Campaign API WADL/Swagger
The Session API WADL/Swagger is publicly available; to obtain the WADL/Swagger for any other API category a user will need to include the LV-Session header with a valid session ID in the WADL/Swagger request.
The Campaign API v17.0 WADL/Swagger is available at the following URL:
The URLs listed below are for the LiveVox NA3 environment and will change slightly if your portal is in a different environment. To know how the URL changes per environment, see the LiveVox Environments and APIs section.
Campaign API Resource | Link |
Campaign WADL | |
Campaign Swagger |
User Roles
Unless otherwise specified in this documentation, for a user to be able to access any data through the Campaign API, the user must belong to the Sysadmin, Superuser, or Manager role.
Within a session generated by an Agent, the following methods of the Campaign API may be accessed. Attempts to access any other API method of the Campaign API will return a 403 Forbidden
- Find Matching Campaigns
- Find Matching Finished Calls
API Methods
Currently, the Campaign API provides a method enabling you to query the LiveVox platform for a list of completed campaigns that meet a specific set of criteria, find a list of matching finished calls, list the records in a campaign, read a campaigns' properties, and list the campaign templates.
Append Campaign Record
Description: Allows for the addition of records to an existing campaign, that is in either the built, playing, or paused state. Limitations of this method include:
- The method can only be called 5 times per minute.
- When created, the campaign must have the 'Allow Append' feature enabled.
- Campaigns cannot contain more than 500,000 records; this is a platform limitation and although an error will not be returned exceeding this limit will cause latency in the platform.
- Appendable campaigns will follow the normal dialing sort rules set at the Service level and will be resorted after each successful append request.
- In U10 and above appended records supersede dialing sort rules and are placed at the top of the dialing list.
For detailed information and limitations when using the Append Campaign Record method, see the Adding/Appending Records to Active Campaigns on the User Hub.
Method: PUT /campaign/campaigns/{id}/transactions
Path/Query Parameter Name | Variable Name | Type | Mandatory? | Description |
id | campaignId | Integer (ID) | Yes | The ID of the campaign to append records to. |
Key | Type | Mandatory? | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
records | Array | Yes | An array of campaign transactions
Response Code: 204 No Content
Append Records to a Campaign
#Request (JSON)
PUT /campaign/campaigns/32383930/transactions
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"records": [{
"phone1": "4155556004",
"account": "1234567890",
"firstName": "James",
"lastName": "Brown",
"phone2": ["4155553849","4155553785"]
#Response (JSON)
204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Create Campaign
Description: Creates a Campaign on LiveVox.
Method: POST /campaign/campaigns
Name | Type | Mandatory? | Description |
campaignFile | Attachment - [octet-stream] | Yes | Campaign file containing the records to be uploaded to the platform. The name of the file will become the name of the campaign so it should match the campaign naming pattern of the input filter you want to use. |
campaignConfiguration | Attachment - [json] | Yes | The configuration properties for the campaign. |
Configuration Properties:
Key | Type | Mandatory? | Description | ||||||||||||||||
serviceId | Integer | Yes | The serviceId the campaign will be assigned to | ||||||||||||||||
operatorPhone | String | No* | Operator phone to be set for this campaign, this can be a 10 digit number or
| ||||||||||||||||
voiceId | Integer | Yes | Voice ID for one of the available configured voices | ||||||||||||||||
answeringMachineOption | Enum | Yes | Denotes the Answering machine behavior for this campaign
| ||||||||||||||||
callerId | String | No* | Caller ID to be set for this campaign, this can be a valid 10 digit caller ID configured at the Service level or
| ||||||||||||||||
callbackPhone | String | No* | Callback phone to be set for this campaign, this can be a 10 digit number or
| ||||||||||||||||
dialingStrategyId | Integer | Yes | Dialing Strategy ID number assigned for this campaign | ||||||||||||||||
appendable | Boolean | No | If set to true a user will be able to add records to a campaign after it started using the append campaign record method. If not present it will default to false. | ||||||||||||||||
typeId | Enum | Yes | Type of the campaign. Possible types include:
| ||||||||||||||||
scheduleTime | Object | No | When this element is present, the campaign will be configured to run at the desired schedule. When this element is not present, LVP's OnDemand behavior applies
LiveVox day starts at 04:00 AM ET and ends at 03:59 AM ET. So anything scheduled between 00:00 AM ET to 03:59 AM ET with |
*These properties may be required based on Service level settings. If required and not included in the request an error will be returned stating which field is missing.
Response Code: 201 Created
Key or Attribute | Type | Mandatory? | Description |
id | Integer (ID) | Yes | The ID of the newly created campaign. |
Create Campaign
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary="----=_Part_0_249168912.1551295147735"
Lv-Session: 8bff6203-aa6d-4eaf-9861-fe1bed440831
Content-Type: application/json; name="new 22.txt"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="campaignConfiguration"; filename="new 22.txt"
"typeId": 1,
"serviceId": 55199,
"operatorPhone": "4155041922",
"callerId": "4155041922",
"voiceId": 1,
"answeringMachineOption": "NO_MESSAGES",
"callbackPhone": "4155041922",
"dialingStrategyId": 49080,
"appendable": false,
"scheduleTime": {
"start": "1551385723000",
"end": "1551407323000",
"nextDay": true
Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=Testcampaignfile.txt
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="campaignFile"; filename="Testcampaignfile.txt"
124659238,4155556004,doe john,
201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
{"id": 3456789}
Deactivate Campaign
Description: Deactivates a campaign.
Method: POST /campaign/campaigns/{id}/deactivate
Path/Query Parameter Name | Variable Name | Type | Mandatory? | Description |
id | campaignId | Integer | Yes | Campaign to be deactivated |
Response Code: 204 No Content
Deactivate Campaign
#Request (JSON)
POST /campaign/campaigns/32383930/deactivate
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
#Response (JSON)
204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Find Matching Campaigns
Description: A query that returns a list of Campaigns for a specified date range and for a specific Campaign Type. Optionally allows the user to filter the list by Service ID(s) and Campaign Type ID(s). The user can also specify one or more campaign statuses that the campaigns must match in order to be returned in the response.
Method: POST /campaign/campaigns/search?[client={clientId}&]count={n}&offset={n}
Path/Query Parameter Name | Variable Name | Type | Mandatory? | Description |
client | clientId | Integer (ID) | No | Specifies the Client for which you want to retrieve the list of Campaigns. |
count | n | Integer | Yes | Specifies the number of items to return in the list. There is a hard cap of 1000 items. |
offset | n | Integer | Yes | Specifies the offset from 0, based on the count, to start listing from. |
Key | Type | Mandatory? | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
state | Array | No | Array of possible campaign statuses you want to query for. Valid values are:
There is an additional campaign status, | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
dateRange | Object | Yes | Establishes the date/time range for which to search for matching Campaigns. The filter consists of:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
service | Object | No | Specifies the Service IDs to include in the query. If specified, the results will only include Campaigns associated with one of those Services. The filter consists of:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
type | Object | No | Specifies the Campaign Type IDs to include in the query. If specified, the results will only include Campaigns of one of these types. The filter consists of:
Response Code: 200 OK
Key | Type | Mandatory? | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
next | URI | No | A URI for the next page of entries. If next is not present, or blank, then there are no pages after this one. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
campaign | Array | No | A container for a page of Campaign entries. The page size is controlled via count and offset in the request.
The results will be sorted by the Campaign end date in descending order.
Get a list of Outbound Campaigns for a Client, filtered by date range and Skill IDs
#Request (JSON)
POST /campaign/campaigns/search?count=10&client=37111&offset=0
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
#Response (JSON)
200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"campaign": [
"id": 8124075,
"name": "July_110508_12pm.txt",
"typeId": 1,
"serviceId": 35264,
"status": "ACTIVE",
"uploadDate": 1383755215000
"id": 8125731,
"name": "Securityhm_110208_320pm.txt",
"typeId": 1,
"serviceId": 35264,
"status": "COMPLETED",
"uploadDate": 1383636721000
"id": 8134019,
"name": "Mischm_110208_1030am.txt",
"typeId": 1,
"serviceId": 35288,
"status": "ACTIVE",
"uploadDate": 1384109502000
"id": 8259394,
"name": "Independencepoe_092308_945am.txt",
"typeId": 2,
"serviceId": 35343,
"status": "COMPLETED",
"uploadDate": 1383636721000
"next": "campaign/campaigns/search?count=10&client=37111&offset=10"
Find Matching Finished Calls
Description: A query that returns a list of completed call attempts for a campaign, where each call's finish time falls within a specified time window, for the current day.
- The Find Matching Finished Calls method will not return records for campaigns that have been deactivated.
- This method works only for the current day in the UTC timezone. The
properties should be adjusted accordingly. For example, for UTC-5 timezone, the'windowStart'
time is 5 AM and anything before 5 AM will be considered as the prior day and the result will not be available.
Method: POST /campaign/campaigns/{campaign}/finishedCalls?count={n}&offset={n}
Path/Query Parameter Name | Variable Name | Type | Mandatory? | Description |
id | campaignId | Integer (ID) | Yes | Identifier of the campaign you want to query. |
count | n | Integer | Yes | Specifies the number of items to return in the list. There is a hard cap of 1000 items. |
offset | n | Integer | Yes | Specifies the offset from 0, based on the count, to start listing from. |
Key | Type | Mandatory? | Description |
windowStart | Time | Yes | Start time of the window in which to search for completed calls. For a call to be returned, its finish time must fall between the |
windowEnd | Time | Yes | The end time of the window in which to search for completed calls. For a call to be returned, its finish time must fall between the |
Response Code: 200 OK
Key | Type | Mandatory? | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
next | URI | No | A URI for the next page of entries. If next is not present, or blank, then there are no pages after this one. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
call | Array | No | A container for a page of call entries. The page size is controlled via count and offset in the request.
Get a list of completed call attempts for a campaign when sending in Time Zone Format
#Request (JSON)
POST /campaign/campaigns/28702845/finishedCalls?count=100&offset=0
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"windowStart": "2021-02-15T02:00:00-08:00",
"windowEnd": "2021-02-15T04:30:00-08:00"
#Response (JSON)
200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"call": [
"account": "Apps_Test",
"phoneDialed": "6503517451",
"started": 1613387433000,
"finished": 1613387436000,
"liveVoxResultId": 316
"account": "Apps_Test",
"phoneDialed": "9176754178",
"started": 1613387452000,
"finished": 1613387465000,
"liveVoxResultId": 326
Get a list of completed call attempts for a campaign when sending Parameters in Unix Epoch format
#Request (JSON)
POST /campaign/campaigns/28702845/finishedCalls?count=100&offset=0
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"windowStart": "1613383200000",
"windowEnd": "1613392200000"
#Response (JSON)
200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"call": [
"account": "Apps_Test",
"phoneDialed": "6503517451",
"started": 1613387433000,
"finished": 1613387436000,
"liveVoxResultId": 316
"account": "Apps_Test",
"phoneDialed": "9176754178",
"started": 1613387452000,
"finished": 1613387465000,
"liveVoxResultId": 326
Get Campaign List Info
Description: Returns metadata for a campaign list.
Method: GET /campaign/campaigns/info
Response Code: 200 OK
Key | Type | Mandatory? | Description |
size | Integer | Yes | Number of campaigns currently loaded for this client |
lastModified | Timestamp | Yes | Most recently modified campaign's timestamp (Unix timestamp format) |
Get Campaign List Info
#Request (JSON)
GET /campaign/campaigns/info
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"size": 100,
"lastModified": "1384252114000"
List Campaigns
Description: Lists Campaigns loaded for a Client.
User Roles: Sysadmin, Superuser, or Manager
Method: GET /campaign/campaigns?count={n}&offset={n}
Path/Query Parameter Name | Variable Name | Type | Mandatory? | Description |
count | n | Integer | Yes | Specifies the number of items to return in the list. There is a hard cap of 1000 items. |
offset | n | Integer | Yes | Specifies the offset from 0, based on the count, to start listing from. |
Response Code: 200 OK
Key | Type | Mandatory? | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
next | URI | No | A URI for the next page of entries. If next is not present, or blank, then there are no pages after this one. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
campaignDetails | Array | No | A container for a page of Campaign entries. The page size is controlled via count and offset in the request.
Get a list of Campaigns for a Client
#Request (JSON)
GET /campaign/campaigns?count=5&offset=0
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"campaignDetails": [
"id": 28518963,
"name": "62199_MANUAL_CALLS_09-12-2017",
"typeId": 5,
"serviceId": 62199,
"status": "PLAYING",
"uploadDate": 1505224100000
"id": 28518962,
"name": "47419_MANUAL_CALLS_09-12-2017",
"typeId": 5,
"serviceId": 47419,
"status": "PLAYING",
"uploadDate": 1505223821000
"id": 28518943,
"name": "47416_MANUAL_EMAILS_09_12_2017",
"typeId": 12,
"serviceId": 47416,
"status": "PLAYING",
"uploadDate": 1505205106000
"next": "campaign/campaigns?offset=4&count=4"
List Campaign Transactions
Description: Returns the account transaction records for an active Campaign.
Method: GET campaign/campaigns/{id}/transactionList?count={n}&offset={n}[&extra={true|false}&validOnly={true|false}]
Path/Query Parameter Name | Variable Name | Type | Mandatory? | Description |
id | campaignId | Integer (ID) | Yes | The ID of the active campaign for which you want to return the account transaction list |
count | n | Integer | Yes | Specifies the number of items to return in the list. There is a hard cap of 1000 items. |
offset | n | Integer | Yes | Specifies the offset from 0, based on the count, to start listing from. |
extra | true or false | Boolean | Yes | If set to true , indicates that you want the response to include values from the account's EXTRA fields. The EXTRA fields will be populated with Client-specific data elements, as configured when the campaign is created or uploaded into the LiveVox system. |
daysDue | true or false | Boolean | Yes | If set to true , indicates that you want the response to include values from the account's DAYS_DUE fields. Fields will be populated with Client-specific data elements, as configured when the campaign is created or uploaded into the LiveVox system. |
validOnly | true or false | Boolean | Yes | If set to true , indicates that you want the response to include only valid account transactions. Invalid account transactions are ones that have a LiveVox Result that is classified as "Not Made". This includes accounts without a valid phone number, accounts where all the phone numbers are on the Do Not Call list, accounts with missing or bad data, etc. |
Response Code: 200 OK
Key | Type | Mandatory? | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
next | URI | No | A URI for the next page of entries. If next is not present, or blank, then there are no pages after this one. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
transaction | Array | No | A container for a page of account transaction entries. The page size is controlled via count and offset in the request.
Retrieve the account transaction list for a campaign
#Request (JSON)
GET campaign/campaigns/8955087/transactionList?count=20&extra=true&daysDue=true&offset=0&validOnly=true
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
#Response (JSON)
200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"transaction": [
"consumer": {
"firstName": "Kenneth",
"lastName": "Lahoma",
"dateOfBirth": null,
"email": null,
"ssn": null,
"zipCode": "84758"
"phone": [ {
"phone": "7072541670",
"ordinal": 1,
"type": null
"extra": [
"key": "dateOfService",
"value": "12/04/12"
"key": "EXTRA_13",
"value": "330 CHAMBERS COURT||PENSACOLA|FL|1||2|25327531|0"
"key": "EXTRA_14",
"value": "3|||||||||"
"key": "EXTRA_15",
"value": "7072541670||7072541670|||||||||"
"daysDue": [
"key": "DAYS_DUE_5",
"value": "21\t1\t56790719\t3405\t72\tDirecTV Early Defaul\...tWells\t1213\tTelephoneReside\t33584421\t\t\t\t\t588\t1393\t\t\t"
"key": "DAYS_DUE_6",
"value": "-1"
"accountTransactionId": 21179819048,
"account": "12161464",
"balance": 320.09,
"livevoxResultId": 320,
"serviceId": 67422
"consumer": {
"firstName": "Jermaine",
"lastName": "Frey",
"dateOfBirth": null,
"email": null,
"ssn": null,
"zipCode": "38131"
"phone": [
"phone": "7044976529",
"ordinal": 1,
"type": null
"phone": "8668478366",
"ordinal": 2,
"type": null
"extra": [
"key": "dateOfService",
"value": "11/04/13"
"key": "EXTRA_13",
"value": "15823 Dixon Landing Rd||Dundee|NE|1||2|25510921|0"
"key": "EXTRA_14",
"value": "3|||||||||"
"key": "EXTRA_15",
"value": "7044976529|8668478366|7044976529|||||||||"
"daysDue": [
"key": "DAYS_DUE_5",
"value": "21\t1\t56790605\t1248\...\t\t\t\t732\t1456\t\t\t"
"key": "DAYS_DUE_6",
"value": "-1"
"accountTransactionId": 21190250867,
"account": "12344",
"balance": 0,
"livevoxResultId": 339,
"serviceId": 41428
"consumer": {
"firstName": "Randy",
"lastName": "Hutton",
"dateOfBirth": null,
"email": null,
"ssn": null,
"zipCode": "91292"
"phone": [ {
"phone": "9192730439",
"ordinal": 1,
"type": null
"extra": [
"key": "dateOfService",
"value": "05/04/13"
"key": "EXTRA_13",
"value": "145 GEORGE ST||WEST ADAMS|CA|1||2|25427784|0"
"key": "EXTRA_14",
"value": "|||||||||"
"key": "EXTRA_15",
"value": "9192730439|||||||||||"
"daysDue": [
"key": "DAYS_DUE_5",
"value": "120"
"key": "DAYS_DUE_6",
"value": "21\t1\t56784502\t6418\t72\ t\t\t\t\t8708381650\...\t32437127\t\t9012460118\tTelephoneReside\t32437128t\t\t\t\t\t597\t1357\t\t\t"
"accountTransactionId": 21179819278,
"account": "139228103",
"balance": 3333.3,
"livevoxResultId": 320,
"serviceId": 67422
"next": "campaign/campaigns/8955087/transactionList?count=20&extra=true&offset=20&validOnly-=true"
Read Campaign
Description: Reads the properties of a campaign, based on Campaign ID.
Method: GET /campaign/campaigns/{id}
Path/Query Parameter Name | Variable Name | Type | Mandatory? | Description |
id | campaignId | Integer (ID) | Yes | The ID of the campaign for which you want to read the properties |
Response Code: 200 OK
Key | Type | Mandatory? | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||
name | String | Yes | Name of the campaign | ||||||||||||||||||||||
typeId | Integer | Yes | Type of the campaign. Possible types include:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
serviceId | Integer (ID) | No | The ID of the Service to which the campaign is assigned | ||||||||||||||||||||||
operatorPhone | String | No | The phone number first dialed by LiveVox when extension-based agents are called by LiveVox to tether them to the system. It is also the number used as the default caller ID of manual dials. If an LCID package was used then 'LOCAL' will be returned, and LVP will display [Local, rotated]. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
callbackPhone | String | No | The phone number left by the LiveVox system on voicemail or live person messages. If an LCID package was used then 'LOCAL' will be returned, and LVP will display [Local, rotated]. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
localCallerIdPackage | Boolean | No | If true , the campaign is configured to use a local caller ID package as the callbackPhone , callerId , or operatorPhone so that consumers receiving calls will see a local caller ID. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
callerId | String | No | The caller ID would be visible on a consumer's phone, or included in the envelope of a voicemail message. If | ||||||||||||||||||||||
dialingStrategyId | Integer (ID) | No | The ID of the Dialing Strategy the LiveVox system will use when dialing account records for the campaign. On the original campaign pass, the Dialing Strategy defines the phone fields to be dialed and the dialing outcomes that are final for the account should be re-attempted for the same number or should result in dialing the account’s next number. On a requeue campaign pass, the Dialing Strategy also defines the outcomes from the prior pass which should be included or excluded from dialing. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
voiceId | Integer (ID) | No | The ID of the voice talent that will be used for the campaign. Possible voice talents are:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
answeringMachineOption | Enum | No | Controls the behavior of the system when an answering machine (voicemail) is detected. Possible values are:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
dialCellPhones | Boolean | No | When set to true , cell phones will be dialed as part of the campaign. When set to false , cell phone numbers will be scrubbed from the campaign. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
status | Enum | Yes | Describes the status of the campaign. Possible values are:
When a new campaign has been initialized, but the uploading of campaign records has either not started yet or is still in progress, the status will be returned as | ||||||||||||||||||||||
uploadDate | DateTime | No | Timestamp (Unix timestamp format) describing when the campaign was uploaded to LiveVox. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
buildDate | DateTime | No | Timestamp (Unix timestamp format) describing when the campaign was built. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
actualStartDate | DateTime | No | Timestamp (Unix timestamp format) describing the date and time of the record from the campaign that had the earliest call start time (call launch time). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
actualEndDate | DateTime | No | Timestamp (Unix timestamp format) describing the date and time of the record from the campaign that had the latest call finish time (call end time). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
onDemand | Boolean | No | Is null when the campaign schedule is configured. When set to true , it indicates that no campaign schedule has been configured, and the campaign will be built and played on-demand. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
scheduleTime | Object | No | If included, the campaign will be configured to run on the desired schedule; otherwise, LVP on demand behavior applies.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
scrubOption | String | Yes | The scrubOption returns the value configured for the segmentation option at the Services and Client editor Settings section for the selected service. Below are the available values:
When loading the campaign, the configured service level Scrub option is automatically taken for the selected service. If the service level Scrub option is selected as null for the particular service, then the client level Scrub option will be taken for that particular service. |
Read the properties of a campaign that includes a schedule
#Request (JSON)
GET /campaign/campaigns/106427749
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
#Response (JSON)
200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"onDemand": false,
"scheduleTime": {
"start": 1599120000000,
"end": 1599163200000,
"nextDay": false
"operatorPhone": "6174889880",
"callbackPhone": "6174889880",
"localCallerIdPackage": false,
"callerId": "6174889880",
"dialingStrategyId": 1002212,
"answeringMachineOption": "LEAVE_MESSAGES",
"serviceId": 1008351,
"typeId": 1,
"dialMode": "AUTOMATIC",
"voiceId": 1,
"appendable": false,
"name": "test4_PDMgnt.txt",
"clientId": 1005018,
"status": "DEACTIVATED",
"uploadDate": 1599160914000,
"buildDate": 1599160935000,
"actualStartDate": 0,
"actualEndDate": 0,
"scrubOption": "NONE"
Read the properties of a Campaign that is "On Demand" (no schedule)
#Request (JSON)
GET /campaign/campaigns/8975202
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
#Response (JSON)
200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"onDemand": true,
"scheduleTime": null,
"name": "outbound_campaign1",
"clientId": 4199,
"typeId": 1,
"serviceId": 17643,
"operatorPhone": null,
"callbackPhone": "8884773448",
"localCallerIdPackage": false,
"callerId": "4156599170",
"dialingStrategyId": 20536,
"voiceId": 2,
"answeringMachineOption": "NO_MESSAGES",
"dialCellPhones": true,
"status": "COMPLETED",
"uploadDate": 1384623227000,
"buildDate": 1384256051000,
"actualStartDate": 1384257172000,
"actualEndDate": 1384272192000
Update Campaign
Description: Updates the campaign dial characteristics.
Method: PUT /campaign/campaigns/{id}
Path/Query Parameter Name | Variable Name | Type | Mandatory? | Description |
id | id | Integer (ID) | Yes | Campaign to be updated |
Key | Type | Mandatory? | Description | ||||||||||||||||
serviceId | Integer | No | The serviceId this campaign will be assigned to | ||||||||||||||||
operatorPhone | String | No | Operator phone to be set for this campaign, this can be a 10 digit number or
| ||||||||||||||||
voiceId | Integer | No | Voice ID to be assigned for this campaign | ||||||||||||||||
answeringMachineOption | Enum | No | Denotes the Answering machine behavior for this campaign
| ||||||||||||||||
callerId | String | No | Caller ID to be set for this campaign, this can be a valid 10 digit caller ID configured at the Service level or
| ||||||||||||||||
callbackPhone | String | No | Callback phone to be set for this campaign, this can be a 10 digit number or
| ||||||||||||||||
dialingStrategyId | Integer | No | Dialing Strategy Id number assigned for this campaign | ||||||||||||||||
typeId | Enum | No | Type of campaign.
| ||||||||||||||||
scheduleTime | Object | No | When this element is present, the campaign will be configured to run on the desired schedule.
Response Code: 204 No Content
Update a Campaign
#Request (JSON)
PUT /campaign/campaigns/8975202/
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"operatorPhone": "5558149720",
#Response (JSON)
204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Update Campaign State
Description: Changes the campaign state (i.e. from play to pause, play to stop, etc.).
Method: PUT /campaign/campaigns/{id}/state
Path/Query Parameter Name | Variable Name | Type | Mandatory? | Description |
id | campaignId | Integer (ID) | Yes | ID of the campaign which will have its state updated. |
Key | Type | Mandatory? | Description |
state | Enum | Yes | Desired state of the campaign. Possible values include:
Response Code: 204 No Content
Change the state of a Campaign
#Request (JSON)
PUT /campaign/campaigns/8975202/state
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"state": "STOP"
#Response (JSON)
204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Change the state of a Campaign that does not exist
#Request (JSON)
PUT /campaign/campaigns/8975202/state
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"state": "STOP"
#Response (JSON)
404 Not Found
Content-Type: application/json
"code": 104,
"message": "Campaign doesn't exist"
Try to Update the Campaign State to the Current State
#Request (JSON)
PUT /campaign/campaigns/8975202/state
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"state": "PLAY"
#Response (JSON)
202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/json
"code": 105,
"message": "'PLAY' not a valid operation for this campaign"
For more information, see the Errors topic on the REST APIs Page.