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This document provides an overview of new features and enhancements to existing features of the LiveVox Agent Portal in the LiveVox U13 Early Adoption release.

New Features in LiveVox U13 Agent Portal

This section describes the new features in the LiveVox Agent Portal Early Adoption release.

Teckst Widget

You can now send SMSes through the Teckst widget (if the feature is enabled).

Enhancements in LiveVox U13 Agent Portal

This section describes the enhancements to existing features in the LiveVox Agent Portal Early Adoption release.

Agent Desktop 

Voice Agent Mode (Agent Panel)
  • Agent Panel now displays vertical navigation that contains the same elements as tabs.
  • Agent time is now moved to the top of the dial pad.
  • Inbox, SMS, and Voicemail user interfaces are now improved.
Digital Agent Mode (Agent Panel with Extended Panel or Designer)
  • The agent state menu is now available in the upper-right corner of the window.
  • A visual element is now added to distinguish the agent state.
  • Client and service names are now displayed in the subtitle.
  • The chat user interface is now improved.

Deleting Time-Off Requests

You can now delete non-work activities (such as personal time-off, doctor appointments) from your schedule.

Email Readability

To improve readability, email now contains the following enhancements:

  • The original email message is separated from the subsequent messages.
  • All the elements of the email message (for example, sender, recipient, subject, and body) are clearly distinguished from each other.
  • Date and time when the email message was sent appear in the smart date format.

Initiating a Script Outside of a Call

You can now initiate a script on the Agent Desktop (with Designer) without being on a phone call.

Notifying Agents of Work Schedule Changes

If you are using an Agent Desktop (with Designer) you are notified when inactive time or published shifts are updated.

Recording Calls

Calls between you and other agents during a warm transfer can now be recorded.

Supporting SSO for Designer Desktop

The Single Sign On (SSO) feature is now introduced in the Agent Desktop (with Designer) to eliminate the need for agents to log on separately to the Agent Panel and the Agent Desktop (with Designer).

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