The following table contains the properties of basic modules and their applicable connectors.

ModuleMessage PropertiesAdvanced PropertiesContact Flow PropertiesEvent Connectors
Alt Language

Alt Language Main Prompt PhraseN/ABargein Key Press
Default LanguageNo Input
Alternative LanguageNo Match
AMDN/AN/AN/AIs Answering Machine?
Billingtree Check

Request Parameter MappingN/AN/A

Response Variables MappingFailure
Billingtree Creditcard

Request Parameter MappingN/AN/A

Response Variables MappingFailure

System Chat (true) or Agent Chat (false)N/AN/A

Variable to store the inbound chat messageFailure
Variable to store the outbound chat messageAgent Not Available
System Participant NameAgent Not Logged In

Initial Auto Response Message
Timeout for Chat Session in seconds
Chat Input

Variable to store the inbound chat message with captured dataN/AN/A

<need info>
Input field type: text, integer, email, date, phone
Label/hint for field
Maximum number of characters to accept
Minimum number of characters to accept
Chat Options

Variable to store the inbound chat message with selected optionN/AN/A

<need info>
Delay between rendering of messages (milliseconds)
Block chat input to allow only the configured options
Layout arrangement to display options: vertical or horizontal
Message line #1 to #5
Label for options #1 to #5
Emoji for options #1 to #5
Image URL to load for options #1 to #5

Check Routing Number Prompt PhraseCheck Routing Number Max No Input PhraseBargein 

Check Routing Number No Input PhraseCheck Routing Number Max No Match PhraseNo Match
Check Routing Number No Match Phrase

Check Account Number Max No Input Phrase

No Input

Check Account Number Prompt PhraseCheck Account Number Max No Match Phrase
Check Account Number No Input PhraseCheck Number Max No Input Phrase
Check Account Number No Match PhraseCheck Number Max No Match Phrase
Check Number Prompt PhraseConfirm Routing Number Prompt Phrase
Check Number No Input PhraseConfirm Routing Number No Input Phrase
Check Number No Match PhraseConfirm Routing Number No Match Phrase
Check Input Max RetriesConfirm Routing Number Max No Input Phrase
Account Number Input Max RetriesConfirm Account Number Prompt Phrase
Check Number Input Max RetriesConfirm Account Number No Input Phrase
Confirm Account Number Max No Input Phrase
Confirm Check Number Prompt Phrase
Confirm Check Number No Input Phrase
Confirm Check Number Max No Input Phrase
Confirm Check Number Max No Match Phrase
Bank Routing Number Length
Check Input Timeout
Variable to store bank routing number
Variable to store bank account number
Variable to store check number
Check Agent


Agent Available
Agent Not Available
Agent Not Logged In
Check Call Center


Call Center Open
Call Center Close

Request Parameter MappingN/AN/A

Response Variables MappingFailure
Conference Room

Max ParticipantsConference Room Pin

Record ConferenceNo Input

Keywords to opt-in for the service (comma separated)

Keywords to opt out of the service (comma separated)Failure
Credit Card 

Credit Card Number Prompt PhraseCredit Card Number Max No Input PhraseBargein 

Credit Card Number No Input PhraseCredit Card Number Max No Match PhraseNo Match
Credit Card Number No Match PhraseCredit Card Expiration Date Max No Input PhraseNo Input

Credit Card Expiration Date Prompt PhraseCredit Card Expiration Date Max No Match Phrase
Credit Card Expiration Date No Input PhraseCredit Card Security Code Max No Input Phrase
Credit Card Expiration Date No Match Phrase

Credit Card Security Code Max No Match Phrase

Credit Card Security Code Prompt PhraseConfirm Credit Card Number Prompt Phrase
Credit Card Security Code No Input PhraseConfirm Credit Card Number No Input Phrase
Credit Card Security Code No Match PhraseConfirm Credit Card Number No Match Phrase
Credit Card Number Input Max RetriesConfirm Credit Card Number Max No Input Phrase
Expiration Date Input Max RetriesConfirm Credit Card Number Max No Match Phrase
Security Code Input Max RetriesConfirm Expiration Date Prompt Phrase
Variable to store credit card numberConfirm Expiration Date No Input Phrase
Variable to store credit card expiration dateConfirm Expiration Date No Match Phrase
Variable to store credit card security code

Confirm Expiration Date Max No Input Phrase
Confirm Expiration Date Max No Match Phrase
Confirm Credit Card Security Code Prompt Phrase
Confirm Credit Card Security Code No Input Phrase
Confirm Credit Card Security Code No Match Phrase
Confirm Credit Card Security Code Max No Input Phrase
Confirm Credit Card Security Code Max No Match Phrase
Credit Card Timeout
To Accept VISA Card or Not
To Accept MASTER Card or Not
To Accept DISCOVER Card or Not
To Accept AMEX Card or Not

Email From Address

Email Survey ID



Email Subject


Email Message

Add Unsubscribe Link

Files to be Attached

Email body cloud file location
End Call




Agent Available
Agent End Call
Agent Not Available
Agent Not Logged In
Call Center Close
Call Center Open
Call Not Accepted
Is Answering Machine?
Key Press
No Input
No Match
Invalid Extension
Team Agent Not Available
Invalid Route Request
Invalid Agent Team
Agent End Call
Entering Digits

Get Number Prompt PhraseNumber Minimum LengthBargein Success
Get Number Invalid PhraseNumber Maximum LengthNo Match
Get Number No Input PhraseNo Input
Get Number Max Retries
Variable to Store the Number
Get Number Max Invalid Phrase
Get Number Max No Input Phrase
Extension Transfer

Extension Prompt PhraseExtension Max No match PhraseBargein 

Agent Not Available
Extension Invalid PhraseExtension Max No input PhraseAgent Not Logged In
Extension No Input PhraseExtension Max RetriesCall Not Accepted
Operator Transfer Prehold Prompt PhraseNumber Minimum LengthInvalid Extension
Operator Transfer Hold PhraseNumber Maximum LengthKey Press
Variable to Store the NumberNo Match
Contact Type for Screen PopNo Input

Agent Hold Prompt Phrase
Hold Menu Main Prompt Phrase
Hold Menu Invalid Prompt Phrase
Hold Menu Noinput Prompt Phrase
Hold Menu Max Error Prompt Phrase
Call Recording Menu Prompt Phrase
Hold Menu Start Time (in seconds)
Hold Menu Repeat Interval (in seconds)
Hold Menu Max Retries
Classification ID
Agent ID Value
Agent Logon ID Value
Agent VM Number
VM Transfer Prehold Message
VM Transfer Hold Message
External Transfer

External Phone NumberWhisper Phrase Before Transfer AcceptedBargein

External Transfer Prehold Prompt PhraseWhisper Phrase After Transfer AcceptedAgent Not Available
External Transfer Hold PhraseWhisper Phrase Language (1: English 2: Spanish)
Record the transfer or notIVR Navigation
Timeout Value for Whisper Transfer (in seconds)
Times of Whisper Message to be Played Back

Service URLAuthentication ModeBargein Success
Request MethodAuthentication User NameFailure
Request Parameter MappingAuthentication PasswordTimeout
Response Variables MappingConnection Timeout
Read Timeout
Request Header Mapping
Request Type (Content-Type)
Response Type (Accept)
Internal ACD Request

Identification TFH ResultN/A


Key Press
Identification Prompt PhraseSuccess
Identification Invalid PhraseFailure
Identification No Input PhraseNo Match
Identification Max Error PhraseNo Input
Identification Max Retries
IntroductionIntroduction Prompt PhraseN/ABargeinIs Answering Machine?
Live Person

Live Person Prompt Phrase

Live Person Prompt Repeated in Spanish


Key Press

Lookup PhraseN/ABargein Success
Variable Used for LookupNo Match
Lookup Source -- Services or ContactsMultiple Match
Key to Lookup
Lookup List

Machine Phrases

Machine Prompt Repeated in Spanish


Key Press

Menu Prompt PhraseMenu Max Error PhraseBargein

Key Press
Menu Invalid PhraseVariable to Store Key Press

Menu No Input PhraseFailure
Menu Max RetriesNo Match
No Input
Operator Transfer

Operator Transfer Prehold Prompt PhraseOperator Transfer Whisper Phrase Before Transfer AcceptedBargeinAgent End Call
Operator Transfer Hold PhraseOperator Transfer Whisper Phrase After Transfer AcceptedKey Press
(ACD) Agent Skill IDTimeout Value for Whisper Transfer (in seconds)Agent Not Available
(ACD) Priority Escalation Duration(NON ACD) IVR NavigationAgent Not Logged In
(ACD) Agent Team ID List(ACD) Contact Type for Screen PopCall Not Accepted
(ACD) Agent Team Max Hold Time(ACD) Agent Hold Prompt PhraseMonitor
Record the Transfer or Not(ACD) Hold Menu Main Prompt PhraseTeam Agent Not Available
(ACD) Hold Menu Invalid Prompt PhraseNo Match
(ACD) Hold Menu Noinput Prompt PhraseNo Input
(ACD) Hold Menu Max Error Prompt Phrase
(ACD) Call Recording Menu Prompt Phrase
(ACD) Hold Menu Start Time (in seconds)
(ACD) Hold Menu Repeat Interval (in seconds)
(ACD) Hold Menu Max Retries
(ACD) Priority
(ACD) Agent ID Value
(ACD) Agent Logon ID Value
(ACD) Routing order
(ACD) Last agent timeout (in seconds)
(ACD) Owner agent timeout (in seconds) 
VM Transfer Prehold Message
Payment Amount

Main Prompt PhraseMax No Input Prompt PhraseBargein Success
No Input Prompt PhraseMax No Match PhraseNo Match
No Match Prompt PhraseConfirmation Required or NotNo Input

Max RetriesConfirmation Main Prompt Phrase
Variable for Amount Entered

Confirmation No Input Prompt Phrase
Confirmation No Match Prompt Phrase
Confirmation Max No Input Prompt Phrase
Confirmation Max No Match Phrase
Minimum Payment Amount
Maximum Payment Amount
QC AMD Transfer

Operator Transfer Prehold Prompt PhraseRouting orderN/A

Agent End Call
Operator Transfer Hold PhraseOwner agent timeout (in seconds)Failure
Agent Hold Prompt PhraseAgent Not Available
Agent SkillIs Answering Machine?
Agent ID ValueMonitor

Agent Logon ID Value

Message to play before recordingTimeout to stop recordingBargein

Recording prefix messagePlay beep prior to recordingNo Input

Max length (secs) of recordingEnd Recording on key press
Schedule Callback

Callback to Current Phone Main Prompt Phrase

Callback to Current Phone Max No Input Prompt PhraseBargein


Callback to Current Phone No Input Prompt Phrase

Callback to Current Phone Max No Match PhraseFailure

Callback to Current Phone No Match Prompt Phrase

Callback to Current Phone Valid keysNo Input

Callback to Current Phone Max Retries

Callback to Other Phone Max No Input Prompt PhraseNo Match

Callback to Current Phone Timeout

Callback to Other Phone Max No Match Phrase

Callback to Other Phone Main Prompt Phrase

Callback to Other Phone Timeout

Callback to Other Phone No Input Prompt 

Callback Time Max No Input Prompt Phrase
Callback to Other Phone No Match Prompt PhraseCallback Time Max No Match Phrase
Callback to Other Phone Max RetriesCallback Time Timeout

Time Main Prompt Phrase

Callback AM or PM Max No Input Prompt Phrase

Callback Time No Input Prompt Phrase

Callback AM or PM Max No Match Phrase

Callback Time No Match Prompt Phrase

Callback AM or PM Valid Keys

Callback Time Max Retries

Callback AM or PM Timeout

Callback AM or PM Main Prompt Phrase

Confirmation Max No Input Prompt Phrase

Callback AM or PM No Input Prompt Phrase

Confirmation Max No Match Phrase

Callback AM or PM No Match Prompt Phrase

Confirmation Valid Keys

Confirmation Main Prompt Phrase

Confirmation Timeout

Confirmation No Input Prompt Phrase

Variable for Phone Number Entered

Confirmation No Match Prompt Phrase

Confirmation Max Retries

Invalid Callback Time Phrase

Invalid Callback Time Max Retries

Enable callback by order

Play back estimated callback time Main Prompt Phrase

Play back estimated callback time NoInputPrompt Phrase

Play back estimated callback time NoMatch Prompt Phrase

Play back estimated callback time Max No Input Prompt Phrase

Play back estimated callback time

Play back estimated callback time Max No Match Phrase
Silence DetectionPrompt Played Back for Monitored PartyN/ASilence Detection Threshold (milliseconds)Success

SMS messageSMS phone positionN/A

SMS short codeSMS survey IDFailure

Files to be attached

Text to speakN/ABargein

TTS EngineFailure
Speech Recognition

Prompt to start speech recognitionTimeout to stop recognition in secondsBargein

Prompt played when no voice for recognition

Minimum length of the digits allowed to enter

No Input
Prompt played when recognition failed

Maximum length of the digits allowed to enter

No Match

Prompt played when reaching max no inputRecognition Engine Vendor
Prompt played when reaching max no match

Custom Grammar Values

Max length of the speech in seconds

Language to Speech Recognition

Max recognition retries
The mapping of the recognition response and variables
Grammar used by recognition
SurveyQuestions 1 through 20Max RetriesBargein


Survey No Match PhraseMax Rank Input

Survey No Input PhraseMin Rank Input

Survey ID

Target Message IDN/ABargein 

<need info>
Target Module Name
Variable Assignment

Assignment ExpressionN/ADebug


Validation Main Prompt PhraseValidation Max No Input Prompt PhraseBargein

Validation No Input Prompt PhraseValidation Max Invalid Prompt PhraseFailure
Validation Invalid Prompt PhraseVariable to Store the InputNo Match
Validation Max RetriesNo Input

Variable for validation
Virtual Assistant


BOT ProviderFailure

Response Mapping
BOT Initialization
Initialization Data Mapping
Authorization / Project Key
VoicemailPrehold Prompt PhraseN/AN/ASuccess
Hold Prompt PhraseFailure
Wait for Patient

Wait for Customer Prompt PhraseN/ABargeinKey Press
Wait for Customer Max Retries

No Match
No Input

WhatsApp messageWhatsApp phone positionBargeinSuccess
WhatsApp codeWhatsApp Survey IDFailure

Files to be Attached