The LiveVox administrator users must make certain configuration changes within the LiveVox Portal to enable the Salesforce integration.

To update the settings, log in to LVP as an administrator:

  • Agents who use the Contact Center for Salesforce application can log into Manual and Quick Connect services. To update the agent login services, go Configure > Services > Services. From the services list, double-click the service you want to update. The Edit Service window appears.

    • In the Edit Service window, go to General > Service Type and select Manual or Quick Connect.

      Manual services should be on an API enabled queuer. Quick Connect and right-party contact services should be on an automated queuer.  Contact your LiveVox representative to verify this setting.

  • To disable ACD PTP, go to Configure > Services Services. From the services list, double-click the service you want to update. The Edit Service window appears.
    • ACD: Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) is a component that allows the logged in agents to be in a queue. Customer calls are then automatically distributed to agents that are in the queue.
    • PTP: Promise to Pay (PTP) refers to an assurance from a customer that the outstanding payment will be made. 

    • In the Edit Service window, go to Settings > ACD PTP Enabled and clear the ACD PTP Enabled checkbox.
  • To turn off the zip area mismatch, go to Configure > Services Services. From the services list, double-click the service you want to update. The Edit Service window appears.

    • In the Edit Service window, go to Settings > Zip Area Mismatch and select Off from the drop-down list.

      • This step is required for manual services only.
      • When an agent initiates a voice call, the agent is prompted to enter a zip code. If the call is not permissible at the time based on the Zip Area Mismatch rules, the agent will see an error message. The call is not launched.

  • To update your agent call-in number, go to Configure > Services > Services. From the services list, double-click the service you want to update. The Edit Service window appears.
    • In the Edit Service window, go to Phone Numbers> Agent Call In Number and enter the agent call-in number. If you do not have an agent call-in number, enter any value in this field.  Do not leave this field blank. 
  • To enable termcodes, go to Configure > Services Services. From the services displayed, double-click the service you want to update. The Edit Service window appears.
    • In the Edit Service window, go to Termination Codes > Termcode Enabled and select the Termcode Enabled checkbox.
  • To disable the account number required, go to Configure > Agents > Agent Desktop. From the agent desktop list, double-click the service you want to update. The Edit Agent Desktop window appears.
    • In the Edit Agent Desktop window, go to General > Account Number Required and clear the Account Number Required checkbox.
  • To disable the account number validation for calls, go to Configure > Agents > Agent Desktop. From the agent desktop list, double-click the service you want to update. The Edit Agent Desktop window appears.
    • In the Edit Agent Desktop window, go to General > Account Number Validation for Inbound and Manual Calls and clear the Account Number Validation for Inbound and Manual Calls checkbox.
  • To enable the home agent, go to Configure > Agents > Agents and double-click the agent name, and then select the Home Agent checkbox.

  • To update the Audio Path (Out) field, go to Configure > Agents > Agents and double-click the agent name. From the Info tab > Audio Path (Out) enter any value that is not 10 digits.

Recommended Settings 

  • To enable call acceptance, go to Configure > Services > Services > Settings > Call Acceptance Enabled and select the Call Acceptance Enabled checkbox.
  • To update when the call acceptance should timeout, go to Configure > Services > Services > Settings > Call Acceptance Timeout (Sec). In the Call Acceptance Timeout (Sec) field, enter any number greater than zero. 
  • To disable agents from viewing termination codes outside of the Salesforce user interface, go to Configure > Agents > Termination Codes and double-click the termination code, and clear the Visible for Agent checkbox.