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The Agent Assist feature uses speech-to-text processing to provide agents with information and guidance during interactions with customers. It can also automate certain processes. Agent Assist acts as an information assistant to your agents when they interact with the customers. The Agent Assist feature is integrated into the agent desktop, which enables agents to interact with customers more efficiently. 

Agent-Assist performs the following functions:

  • Transcription: Agent Assist creates a highly accurate, speaker-separated transcript of the agent-customer interactions. The transcriptions of the interactions can be used by the managers to evaluate interactions for content and display relevant information to the agent. These evaluations can range from compliance adherence to script coaching.
  • Auto-Summary: Agent Assist uses machine learning to create summarized notes of each interaction handled by agents, saving time and providing more accurate and detailed information than manual notes. Call summaries are automatically added to the customer’s profile in Contact Manager and are editable, which ensures an accurate record of interactions that is easily accessible.

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