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The Action Rules option under Agent Assist lists all the rules you have created to assist agents. You create Agent Assist rules to help agents with their real-time interactions. 

As a manager, you can create an Agent Assist Rule and identify when the rule is valid for an interaction. For each interaction, SpeechIQ verifies that a rule can be applied and then takes any action as outlined in the rule. Managers can configure who needs to be alerted, and how an alert must be communicated. If an agent's interaction with the customer meets certain criteria, such as specific keywords, interaction intent, sentiment, and so on, you can also configure messages, links, and so on to help the agents. This information is displayed on the agent's desktop during that particular interaction.

All the Agent Assist Rules that are configured are displayed on the Agent Assist Rules List window.


  • Click the Active Only check box to list only the active rules.
  • Click to search for a specific rule.
  • Select a rule from the list using the check box and click to publish the rule.
  • To copy configurations of an existing rule into a new rule, click . Click Ok when asked for confirmation. You can rename the rule and make any changes to the existing settings as required.
  • Click to delete a selected rule.

To create an Agent Assist Rule:

  1. Navigate to SpeechIQ → Agent AssistAction Rules.
    The Agent Assist Rules List window is displayed.
  2. Click to create a new rule.
    1. On the Settings tab:
      1. Enter a name in the Name field.
      2. Select a category in the Category field using the button. To create a new category, see Categories Help.
      3. Select a Priority from the drop-down list. Choose between Critical, High, Medium, or Low.
      4. Enter a Description for the rule.
      5. Enable the Active button to make the rule active.
    2. On the Parameters tab:
       Set the filter criteria for the interactions where the rule is applied:
      1. Select from the list of parameters, such as Agent Teams, Call Centers, Duration, Interaction Intents, Keywords, Metadata, Sentiment, and Services.
      2. For each of the parameters, click to expand and select the necessary criteria.
    3. On the Agent Suggestions tab:
      Describe what is displayed on the agent's desktop when the rule is valid. The text, information, or any links added here are displayed to help with the interaction.
      1. Enable the HTML option to add text, instructions, or links to help the agent with an interaction
      2. To use Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to perform an automated action for an agent (for example, creating a JIRA ticket), enable the API option. Select the required API using the button.
    4. On the Notifications tab:
      Use this tab to define the way in which a manager is notified in case of high-priority tasks, recurring tasks, and so on. You can choose between Email, SMS, Work Queue, or Performance Dashboard. Enable each option as required and navigate to the relevant tab highlighted in blue to make further configurations.

      1. Email – Use this option to alert using an email.
        • Enter the subject in the Subject field and enter the email body in the box below.
        • Enable Include Agent to the Subject Line to include the agent’s name in the subject.
        • Select the recipients from the list below. Move from the Available list to the Selected list using the arrow key.
      2. SMS – Use this option to alert using an SMS.
        • Enter the body of the SMS in the block below.
        • You can add keywords to the message, such as Rule Name, Agent Name, Agent Team, and so on using variables to represent the current interaction. To use variables, click and select a variable from the drop-down list and click Save.
      3. Work Queue – Use this option to trigger an entry to the Work Queue.
        • Select Priority from the drop-down list.
        • Select Days to Complete from the drop-down. list
        • Enter the subject in the Subject field and body.
        • Select the recipients from the list below. Move from the Available list to the Selected list using the arrow key.
      4. Performance Dashboard - Use this option to display an alert on the Performance Dashboard.
        • Enter a message to be displayed as an alert pop-up on the Performance Dashboard. Include any variables if required using . Your message can have a maximum of 50 characters.
        • Select the recipients from the list below. Move from the Available list to the Selected list using the arrow key.
    5. On the Preview tab:
      Use the Preview tab to test the rules you have configured without having to log in as an agent or a customer. You can send an agent or a customer transcript and verify if the configured conditions, suggestions, and notifications are triggered. This will help you to fine tune the Agent Assist Rules for appropriate behavior.
      1. In the Rules tab, select the rules you want to test. Double-click a rule to add from the Available list to the Selected list. Hover over  to read the description for the rule, or use the Filter field to search for a specific rule and add it to the Selected list.
      2. In the Test Parameters tab, select the filter criteria from the list of parameters, such as Agent, Agent Team, Call Center, Time, Intent Model, and Service. For each of the parameters, click to expand and select the necessary criteria.
      3. On the left pane, enter the text message that you want to test the rule with in the Transcript field. Specify if it's an agent's transcript or a customer's using the Agent or the Customer radio button. Select the intent using the Negative, Neutral, or Positive radio button.
      4. In the Transcript tab, enable the View Agent Transcript and the Auto Scroll options using the check box if required.
      5. Click Send.
        Once the transcript is sent, you can verify if the configured rules are triggered. The following table provides details of the configurations and the notifications that are displayed in the Suggestions tab to help you verify:
        What is configured?What is displayed in the Suggestions tab?
        • HTML - The text or link to the URL is displayed.
        • API - A message indicating that the configured API is triggered is displayed.
        • Knowledge Base - A link, title, and an excerpt for related documentation is displayed.
        • Email - An email is sent to the intended recipient for review and a delivery confirmation message is displayed.
        • SMS - An SMS is sent to the intended recipient for review and a delivery confirmation message is displayed.
        • Work Queue - A Work Queue notification is triggered and a confirmation message is displayed.
        • Performance Dashboard - A Performance Dashboard notification is triggered and a confirmation message is displayed.
        ChecklistThe checklist items are displayed.

        • Click Clear Call to clear the test call/transcript you sent.
        • Click Clear Settings to clear all the rules and parameter configurations you made during the testing.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click Publish to publish the rule before you start using it.

The Agent Assist Rules can have different categories. You can define categories that are specific to your organization's needs. You use the defined categories when creating new rules.

To edit a category:

  1. Navigate to SpeechIQ > Agent Assist > Action Rules.
  2. Click to edit the categories.
    The Categories List page (SpeechIQ > Agent Assist >  Categories) is displayed. All the available categories are displayed on this page.
  3. Click to search for a specific category.
  4. To create a new category, click .
    The Category window is displayed.
  5. Enter a name in the Category field.
  6. Select the Active check box to make the category active. You can use only active categories when creating a rule.
  7. Click Save.
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