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To view the list of existing Termination Codes:

  1. Navigate to the Termination Codes configuration by selecting Configure > Agents > Termination Codes from the LiveVox Portal.
  2. You are presented with the view of currently assigned termination codes and their details for the selected Call Center and Service:

    Code NameThe Termination Code Name displayed to agents.
    Category NameUsed to group together similar term codes on the agent desktop.
    ResultInternal result mapping (TFH result) which LiveVox can associate with the user code. Adjusting may impact CDR reporting.
    ActionDisconnects call or leaves a message after the term code is selected.
    Screen OrderCurrently disabled, term codes are displayed in alphabetical order within their category section.
    Report OrderThe order the term codes will show on the CDR (scroll right to view this column). Leave as default, or assign a value between 1- 126.
    Immediate CallbackWhen checked,  allows agents to do immediate callbacks after selecting the termination code.
    Visible for Agent

    Displays whether the Termination Codes are visible to the Agent or not.

For more information about system result codes, see System Result Descriptions section.

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