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You can block an unwanted inbound caller using the Block Caller ID feature. The Block Caller ID editor allows you to create and manage a list of blocked numbers. You can add numbers individually as well as import the numbers in bulk by using a specified format. You can also export the list of blocked numbers in CSV format. inbound unwanted caller. 

The Block Caller ID editor does not allow you to block your inbound numbers or the default LiveVox Caller ID which is used to establish Agent Monitoring sessions.


Use the Block Caller ID editor to:

  • View all blocked phone numbers with Description, Expiration Date, and Created By options. 
  • Search for IDs based on Number or Description.
  • Add, delete, import, and export phone numbers to be blocked.

Accessing the Block Caller ID Editor

On the Configure tab of LVP, click Voice > Block Caller ID.

The following table describes the buttons in the Block Caller ID editor.

Add NumberAdd an entry to block the specific caller ID.
Delete NumberDelete an Entry.
ImportAdd or adjust entries in bulk. 
ExportExport the list of all blocked phone numbers with details in CSV format.

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