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Agents are the direct point of contact with customers and require the appropriate skills and tools to resolve customer issues efficiently. 

You can configure the Agent for the following agent-related tasks:

  • Agent Administration: This configuration allows to create and manage agents/agent teams. For more information, see the Agent Administration section.  
  • Agent Desktop: The Agent Desktop is a screen that appears to the agents when they work on customer interactions (Call, SMS, Email, or Chat) using LiveVox. For more information, see the Agent Desktop section.  
  • Termination Code Configuration: This allows specific services or groups of services to have unique term code options for different books of business or clients to capture the exact information wanted. For more information, see the Termination Code Configuration section.  
  • Agent Phonebook: Agent phonebooks allow agents to transfer calls to a list of internal and external contacts. For more information, see the Agent Phonebook section.  
  • Schedule Callback: The Scheduled Callback editor allows permitted administrative users to view all the callback records including those scheduled by agents through the Agent Desktop, as well as those scheduled through an interactive voice response (IVR). For more information, see the Managing Scheduled Callbacks section.  

For information about the roles and permissions associated with Agent and Agent Desktop, see the User Roles and Permissions section in the Product Documentation Library.

Accessing Agents Section

Navigate to the Agents section by selecting Configure > Agents from the navigation panel.

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