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The consent module checks the incoming SMS for the consent keyword and updates the suppression list. It uses the following properties to validate the consent:

Keywords to opt in the Service (comma separated)

The keywords to opt-in the service. Default values are START, BEGIN, CONFIRM, SUBSCRIBE, and CONTINUE. You cannot remove the default values.

For all the opt-in service keywords, the consent module removes the phone number from the suppression list.

Keywords to opt out the Service (comma separated)

The keywords to opt-out of the service. Default values are CANCEL, UNSUBSCRIBE, and STOP. You cannot remove the default values.

For all the opt-out service keywords, the consent module adds the phone number to the suppression list.

You can also add up to 20 keywords for both opt-in and opt-out services. Before adding, ensure that the keywords are alphanumeric and unique.

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