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The consent module tracks incoming SMSes for a consent keyword and updates the consent flags and suppression list.  Use this module before you start a survey.

Display NameDescription
Keywords to opt-in for the service (comma separated)

Keywords to opt for the service.

Default values are:


You cannot remove the default values. You can, however, add up to 20 keywords, which must be alphanumeric and unique.

For all the opt-in service keywords, the consent module removes the phone number from the suppression list.

Keywords to opt out of the service (comma separated)

Keywords to opt out of the service.

Default values are:

  • STOP

You cannot remove the default values. You can, however, add up to 20 keywords, which must be alphanumeric and unique.

For all the opt-out service keywords, the consent module adds the phone number to the suppression list.

For information on the module connectors, see Call Flow Editor Connectors.

  • No labels