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Adjusting Schedules

To adjust the schedule of a record, select the scheduled callback record to be edited. Double click the record to view the Scheduled Callbacks details screen.

  • Enter the preferred date in the Scheduled Date field or choose using the calendar button to update the date for the scheduled callback record.
  • Select the link next to the Agent field to search for and assign a new agent for the callback.
  • Adjust the Scheduled Time from the drop down.

Select Save to save the changes or Cancel to discard the changes.

You will not be able to adjust a scheduled callback record that is scheduled via the IVR.

Deactivating Schedules

  • Select the scheduled callback record you wish to cancel.
  • Double click the record to view the Scheduled Callbacks details screen.

  • Select the Deactivate button to cancel the callback.

You can cancel the scheduled callback as long as it is not queued up for dialing.

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