Page tree

You can define which components (elements) you want to be displayed on each page, how you want the components to be displayed, and the themes for the pages.

To design a Designer Desktop page:

  1. Access Designer.

  2. Click Desktops > DESKTOPS.

  3. On the DESKTOPS subtab, double-click the row displaying the Designer Desktop that you want to design.
    The Design subtab appears.

    • When a Designer Desktop is created, the initial page is also created by default. The initial page represents the first page that appears when an agent logs in to the Agent Desktop.
    • For information about the Design subtab, see Design 2.
  4. To create another page:
    1. On the Design subtab, click New Page.
      The New Page window appears.
    2. Specify values in the fields.

      • Name: Name to identify the page.

      • Description: Description of the page.

      • Set as initial page: Indicates if the page is initial (that is, if the page appears first on the Agent Desktop).

    3. Click Save.
      The page is created, and it appears in the left pane of the Design subtab.

      You can create multiple pages.

  5. In the left pane, select the page that you want to design.

  6. On the toolbar, in the Elements section, select the required elements.

    Add the Home Bar element to each page to allow the agent to navigate on the Agent Desktop.

    The selected elements appear on the canvas.

    • You can collapse a panel on the canvas by using the up arrow icon collapse icon.
    • You can delete a panel from the canvas by using the close icon close icon.
  7. To have the elements displayed in a specific layout on the page:
    1. On the toolbar, expand the Containers section, and then click any of the following buttons: Tabs, Rows, Columns, Accordion

      For information about the containers, see Containers.

      The selected container appears on the canvas.

    2. On the toolbar, expand the Elements section, and then drag the required elements to the container on the canvas.

      Add the Home Bar element to each page to allow the agent to navigate on the Agent Desktop.

      For information about the elements, see Element Descriptions.

      The selected elements appear within the container on the canvas.

  8. Click Save.
    The design is saved.

  • If you want to set a page as the initial page, in the left pane, select the page, and then select the Initial Page checkbox.
  • The Options menu contains the following options:
    • Copy Page: To copy a page.
    • Rename Page: To rename or modify the main attributes of a page (for example, description).
    • Clean Page: To clear the canvas of a page.
    • Delete Page: To delete a page.
    • Change Page Theme: To change the color of a page.
  • No labels