Chat Monitor Dashboard

An active chat interaction record on the chat monitor dashboard displays the thread history even if the interaction is not associated with a contact record.

Quick Responsebook

You can reduce the time that agents take to respond to chat messages by storing common chat messages that can be sent to customers as quick responses (predefined responses). This feature also ensures that the messages sent by the agents are consistent and adhere to your business standards. 

Required Fields on Pre-Chat Form

You can define which fields are mandatory on the pre-chat form that appears when the customer initiates a web chat.

Web Calling and Collaborative Browsing

You can enable your digital agents to transition their conversations with customers using the web widget from a web chat to a web call. In addition, you can enable the agents to visually guide the customers to a solution through collaborative browsing (co-browsing). Co-browsing involves simultaneously browsing the web page that the customer is viewing (that is, the page on which the customer is using the web widget), in real time. In addition to providing remote assistance to a customer, these features allow the customer to spend less time explaining an issue while enabling an agent to quickly resolve the issue faced by the customer.