Name Change

The Phone Dial Attempt Supervisor (PDAS) feature has been renamed to Attempt Supervisor.

Before upgrading the Attempt Supervisor application to U17, you must ensure that you are running PDAS version 12. Also, if you have enabled the Trusted Partners feature, ensure that the Trusted Partner's LiveVox Portal and Attempt Supervisor are on U17.

Bulk Deletion of Exclusions and Rules

From the Exclusions tab, you can select the exclusions that you want to delete and delete a number of exclusions at once. Also, from the Rules tab, you can select the rules that you want to delete and delete a number of rules at once.

Email and SMS Support

The Attempt Supervisor tool enables you to set the maximum number of outbound contact attempts for SMS and email interaction by adding SMS and email blocks on the LiveVox Portal (LVP). To support this functionality, the SMS Outbound option has been added in Channel Types.

UI Enhancements

The following changes have been made to the user interface (UI) to enhance usability:

  • Contact Types has been renamed Channel Types.
  • In the Channel Types drop-down list box, the email has been renamed Email Outbound.
  • In the Contact Limits section:
    • Phone has been renamed Phone #.
    • Email has been renamed Email Address.
    • Phone/Contact has been renamed Phone(SMS)/Contact.
  • A new option, SMS, has been added after Phone #.