Phone Panel

The Phone panel of the Agent Desktop has been enhanced to bring more clarity, user-friendliness, and improved efficiency for the agents.


You now add the LV-Connect function on the home bar of a Contact Center CRM agent desktop or as a component within a page or a container. A new entry within the LV-Connect appears as a notification number for an agent. LV-Connect for Agents appears as any Alerts, Notifications, or Posts in which they are included. Agents can comment, bookmark, create or delete posts.

Happiness Index

The Happiness Index enables agents to assess the state of the customer based on a set of historical conversations. 

The Happiness Index displays customer ratings for a conversation using an emoticon. The customer rating can vary from a dissatisfied face (red) to a happy face (green).

The Happiness Index appears on the Contact List window. Agents cannot modify the Happiness Index scores.

For more information about Happiness Index, see Contact List.

The Happiness Index feature is visible when SpeechIQ, sentiment analysis, and Contact Center CRM are enabled.

Manually Link to Tickets

Agents can now manually link chat, SMS, email, and voice interactions from a customer to a tracking ticket from the agent desktop. This allows agents to quickly access a complete history of the customer's interactions.

The Type column represents icons that imply the interaction type linked to the ticket.