Contact Lookup

You can view the contact associated with a chat, email, or SMS message in a single click.

Default Interactions

By default, the Interactions tab of an account, contact, and ticket displays only the interactions that are connected to an agent.

Email Copy and Forward

You can send a copy of an email (the CC option) and forward an email on a U-CRM Agent Desktop.

Message Transfer

You can transfer the chat, email, or SMS messages from your customers to other agents on your team. This feature ensures that all conversations are handled by the appropriate personnel and escalated when required.

Mobile App

From your LiveVox mobile app, you can view the contact list, send messages and emojis, and receive messages.

Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) Support

Multimedia content is supported in a U-CRM Agent Desktop. This enables you to send and receive SMSes with attachments.

Recently Viewed Records

You can view or access the last 10 accounts, last 10 contacts, and last 10 tickets on which you worked (without having to search for them) by using the Recent Viewed component.