Hyperlinks in Chat

Chat messages, chat greetings (online and offline), proactive chat prompts, and quick responses support hyperlinks, enabling customers to click web address links and email addresses within the web chat. This enhancement eliminates the need for customers to manually copy and paste the link into their browser or email address bar.

  • When a customer clicks the web address link, the address opens in a new browser tab.
  • When a customer clicks the email address link, the customer can send an email to the email address according to their browser/device settings (for example, when the customer clicks the link, the customer's email application appears).
  • Examples:

    • An agent or a chat bot sends a link to the customer. The link might direct the customer to a Knowledge Base article that answers the customer's question or a web form that the customer can complete.
    • When the office is closed, the offline chat greeting directs the customer to a Frequently Asked Questions page.