Write Code Manually

In addition to manually writing the code, you can create functions in the Functions Library tab of the Designer and call those functions to the script. 

Script Report Settings

When configuring a script report, you can specify if you want the 30-minute interval report to include only the calls that were placed since the report was last generated. In addition, you can specify if you want the report to be generated every night and you can also specify the following attributes:

  • Frequency at which the report is generated
  • Date format for the dates in the report
  • Time zone for the call time in the report
  • Types of fields (default or mapped) to be included in the report

Dynamic Use of Contacts, Tickets, and Accounts within the Script window

You can add pre-configured accounts, contacts, and tickets into a script on a U-CRM Agent Desktop. You can drag and drop the option on the Design tab and update the script as required.

Secure Payment Capture

The Secure Payment Capture (SPC) option is available in the script window. The agent can work on a pre-defined script and capture the SPC information. Billing can be done for customers who want to make payments using the SPC credit card option. You can find the SPC option on the Design tab of the script.