Do Not Contact (DNC) Lists

The DNC lists contain records of phone numbers, account numbers, and/or unique account+phone combinations that indicate whether you can contact an individual.

  • The maximum number of contacts you can add to Contact Manager is 12,000,000.
  • The maximum number of DNC lists for Voice, Email, and SMS is 10,000,000 records per channel.

For more information about DNC, see DNC.

Happiness Index

The Happiness Index is a customer satisfaction and trend snapshot of a contact based on calculated sentiment scores of past interactions. The Happiness Index provides managers with criteria to identify, segment, or group contacts for special outreach campaigns or route them to specialty agents. Your agents can quickly identify how a customer is currently feeling about a specific interaction by looking at the emoticons and trend lines.

You can view the Happiness Index, Happiness Trend, and Happiness Last Updated fields in the Configure > Contacts > Contacts window.

For more information about Happiness Index, see Contact Manager.