Bulk Update

Custom fields are also available when you modify multiple tickets together.

Color Customization in Ticket Forms

In the Ticket Forms in Tickets Config, you can customize the colors of Submit button, form background, and data entry fields.

Contact Screen

You can change the appearance of the main area and the Detail tab of your contact records that appear within the Ticketing component.

Create Tasks for Tickets

On the Ticket Details page, you can create tasks for the ticket by using the Task option of the New menu.

Default Interactions

By default, the Interactions tab of an account, contact, and ticket displays only the interactions that are connected to an agent. To facilitate this enhancement, the Exclude Non Agent checkbox (selected by default) has been added to the Interactions tab.

You can clear the Exclude Non Agent checkbox to view all interactions.

External Link to Tickets

External users can view a specific ticket without logging on to LVP using a ticket link. When you log a ticket, the system generates an external URL to the ticket, which you can include in the auto email message.


You can restrict the visibility and editing of tickets to selected users, agents, and agent teams based on the ticket labels. To facilitate this feature, in the Tickets Config window, the Permissions tab has been added.

Required Fields

You can define which of the fields in a ticket must contain a value (mandatory fields) to create or update a ticket.


You can change the status of tickets based on their label, ticket type, and status. To facilitate this feature, in the Tickets Config window, the Status Rules tab has been added.

Ticket Comment Visibility 

You can change the visibility settings of comments associated with tickets. Select the View Publicly checkbox to make the comments viewable to the public.

Ticket Following

You and agents can follow a ticket and receive an email notification for any changes in the ticket.

Ticket Forms for Agents

You can enable your agents to use a ticket form when creating a ticket on a U-CRM agent desktop.

Web Forms

Agents can use a web form to create accounts, contacts, and tickets on a U-CRM Agent Desktop. To facilitate this feature, the following changes have been made:

  • In the Tickets Config window, on the Forms tab, when designing a web form through the Design tab, you can associate the form with the account, contact, and/or ticket entity.
  • In Designer, on the Properties tab for the AccountsContacts, and Ticketing elements, the New Account using FormsNew Contact using Forms, and New Ticket using Forms buttons have been added, respectively.

Work Queue Tasks

You can create a Work Queue task associated with a Ticket record using the New drop-down option in the Tickets UI.