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Export Format Field Descriptions
The following table describes the fields for each table available in the Export Format editor. You can use this information to create your own Call Detail Reports (CDRs).
Table | Field | Description |
Agent | Email address of the agent. | |
First_Name | First name of the agent. | |
Last_Name | Last name of the agent. | |
Logon_Id | Logon ID of the agent. | |
Call Monitor | Agent Id | ID of the agent. |
Agent Team Id | ID of the agent team with which the agent is associated. | |
Call Service Id | Service ID of the call being monitored. | |
Monitor End Time | End time stamp of the monitoring, represented in Eastern Standard Time, 24-hour format (hh:mm:ss). | |
Monitor Session Id | Session ID generated for call monitoring. | |
Monitor Start Time | Start time stamp of the monitoring, represented in Eastern Standard Time, 24-hour format (hh:mm:ss). | |
Monitor Type | Type of monitoring (for example, coach, listen, or barge). | |
Supervisor User Id | User ID of the supervisor of the call being monitored. | |
Transaction Id | Transaction ID of the call being monitored. | |
Call Outcome | Call_Outcome_Id | Custom call outcome ID for mapping the LiveVox Results to your result code. |
Client Id | Master client ID. | |
Custom Outcome 1 | Custom result mapping that you have defined. If a result is not mapped, the LiveVox Result is displayed. | |
Custom Outcome 2 | Custom result mapping that you have defined. If a result is not mapped, null is displayed. | |
Custom Outcome 3 | Custom result mapping that you have defined. If a result is not mapped, the LiveVox Result code is displayed. | |
Priority | Priority of a call outcome. A low value indicates a high priority. If the CDR uses the highest priority option, only best results are displayed based on the priority of the call outcome. | |
Result Id | LiveVox Result ID. | |
Call Transfer | Call Transfer Result | End result of the call being transferred. |
Final Transfer Target |
| |
Leg Number | Transfer attempt by the agent (for example, the first attempt by an agent to transfer a call to a phone number is considered leg number 1; the next attempt by the agent to transfer the call to another phone number is considered leg number 2). | |
Phonebook Transfer Id | Phonebook ID of the call being transferred. | |
Phonebook Transfer Type | Phonebook type of the call being transferred (for example, service, service group, or external). | |
Session Id | Session ID of the call being transferred. | |
Transaction Id | Transaction ID of the call being transferred. | |
Transfer Connect Time | Connect time of the transfer. | |
Transfer End Time | End time of the transfer. | |
Transfer Hold Duration (Secs) | Duration for which the customer was on hold, represented in seconds. | |
Transfer Source | Source of transfer (for example, agent). | |
Transfer Source Id | ID of the source (for example, if the source is agent, the transfer source is the agent ID). | |
Transfer Start Time | Start time of the transfer. | |
Transfer Status | Indicates if the transfer was successful or if it failed:
| |
Transfer Target Id |
| |
Transfer Type | Type of transfer made (for example, manual, agent, or phonebook). | |
Campaign | Campaign Create Date | Date and time when a campaign was created. |
Campaign End Time | Date and time when a campaign ended. | |
Campaign Start Time | Date and time when a campaign started. | |
Requeue Level | Number of times that a campaign is requeued. | |
CDR Plugins | Address | Value in the Extra 7 field of the Transaction table. |
AgentActionType | Type of termination code. | |
AgentSkillName | Skill classification to which the agent is mapped for the call. | |
AgentTeamNamePlugin | Team to which the agent belongs. | |
AreaCodeState | State that is based on the area code of the dialed number. | |
AttemptCallFinishTimeExtractor | Call finish time of an attempt by account/account transaction ID based on the number that you specify in the Extra Info field. | |
AttemptCallStartTimeExtractor | Call start time of an attempt by account/account transaction ID based on the number that you specify in the Extra Info field. | |
AttemptClientCodeExtractor | Client code of an attempt by account/account transaction ID based on the number that you specify in the Extra Info field. | |
AttemptClientOutcome1Extractor | Custom Outcome 1 value of an attempt by account/account transaction ID based on the number specified in the Extra Info field. | |
AttemptClientOutcome2Extractor | Custom Outcome 2 value of an attempt by account/account transaction ID based on the number specified in the Extra Info field. | |
AttemptCountOfAttempts | Total count of attempts per account/account transaction ID. | |
AttemptPhoneDialedExtractor | Phone_Dialed value of an attempt by account/account transaction ID based on the number specified in the Extra Info field. | |
AttemptResultExtractor | Tfh_Result value of an attempt by account/account transaction ID based on the number specified in the Extra Info field. | |
Bank Account Obfuscated | Not used because the field is legacy. | |
Bank routing # Obfuscated | Not used because the field is legacy. | |
Call Trace Result | Not used because the field is legacy. | |
CallCenterId | Call center ID. | |
CallCenterName | Call center name. | |
CallConnectTimeCT | Time at which the call is answered or an answering machine is detected. Represented in Central Time. If this is null, call start time is used. This field uses the date format specified in the Export Format. | |
CallConnectTimeCTNoNull | Call connect time, represented in Central Time. If this is null, call start time is used. This field uses the date format specified in the Export Format. | |
CallConnectTimeNoNull | Call connect time, represented in Central Time. If this is null, call start time is used. This field uses the date format specified in the Export Format. | |
CallConnectTimePST | Call connect time, represented in Pacific Standard Time. If this is null, call start time is used. This field uses the date format specified in the Export Format. | |
CallConnectTimePSTNoNull | Call connect time, represented in Pacific Standard Time. If this is null, call start time is used. This field uses the date format specified in the Export Format. | |
CallDirection | The direction of call (for example, inbound or outbound). | |
CallDurationNoNull | Not used because this data is stored in the Call_Duration field of the Interaction table. | |
CallEndTimeNoNull | Not used because this data is stored in the Call_Finish_Time field of the Interaction table. | |
CallStartTimeNoNull | Not used because this data is stored in the Call_Start_Time field of the Interaction table. | |
CampaignNoExtension | Campaign name, without an extension such as .csv or .txt. | |
CampaignType | Type of campaign (for example, 10DMT, callback, HCI, manual, or outbound). | |
CampaignWithDateInserted | Campaign name suffixed with the date inserted in the following format: mmddyyyy. | |
City | Value in the Extra 7 field of the Transaction table. | |
ClickerAgentNamePlugin | Name of the clicker agent. | |
Client Id | Main client ID. | |
ClientNamePlugin | Name of the client. | |
Contact Notes | Contact notes for a given transaction and session. | |
Credit Card # Obfuscation | Not used because the field is obsolete. | |
Credit Card Expiration Obfuscated | Not used because the field is obsolete. | |
Custom SQL Expression | Custom SQL, which is put in the Extra Info column of the Report Writer. For example, you can reference fields from the Interaction and Transaction tables by using acct_transaction.input_id as the syntax. | |
CustomOutcomesWithCustomDefault | Not used because this data is stored in the Custome Outcome 1 field of the Call Outcome table. | |
Empty | Empty string in the CDR. | |
Filler | Padding characters used for fillers in the CDR (for example, LIVEVOX, N/A, ***). | |
FirstNameSpaceLast | First name of the customer, followed by a space, and then the last name. | |
GetUSTimeZone | US time zone for the number. | |
IVRDuration | Unrounded IVR duration. Calculated as the difference between the Call Duration and Transfer Duration values of the Transaction table. | |
InteractionType | Type of interaction (for example, chat, email, or SMS). | |
LCID Package ID | LCID package ID for the call. | |
LanguageIs2ToS | Indicates if the language is Spanish for an interaction (yes: S). | |
LastNameCommaFirst | Last name of the customer, followed by a comma and then the first name (without space) in quotation marks (" "). | |
OpTransferFiller | Not used because the field is legacy. | |
OperatorTransferDuration | Operator Transfer time, calculated as the difference between the Extra 4 and Transfer Duration values of the Transaction table. | |
PPhone1Or2CallOutcome | Use the Custom SQL Expression field. | |
PPhone1Or2CallOutcomeWithDefault | Use the Custom SQL Expression field. | |
PatientPhone1 | Primary number of the transaction. | |
Phone2 | Secondary number of the transaction. | |
PhoneDialedDefaultPhone1 | Dialed number of an attempted call. If a call is not made, this field contains the Phone1 value of the Transaction table. | |
PhonePosition | Position of the phone number in the campaign. | |
ServiceType | Type of service (for example, outbound call, inbound SMS, or inbound chat). | |
SkillName | Name of the service. | |
State | Value in the Extra 7 field of the Transaction table. | |
TerminationCategoryName | Category of the termination code specified by an agent when wrapping up the interaction. | |
TerminationCodeName | Termination code for the interaction. | |
TimezoneOfCallPlugin | Time zone of a call, identified by the first three digits of the dialed number. | |
TotalRoundedDuration | Sum of rounded IVR duration and rounded Operator Transfer duration. | |
Transaction Type | Type of transaction (for example, inbound, outbound, or SMS). | |
Transaction Sub-type | Sub-type of an interaction, containing the following values:
| |
Zip | Value in the Extra 11 field of the Transaction table. | |
ZipCodeState | State to which the ZIP code belongs. | |
Contact | Account | Account number of the contact. |
Account Due Date | Due date. | |
Account To Speak | Value in the Account field. This field can contain an alternate account number to be used by the IVR. | |
Address 1 | Primary address of the contact. | |
Address 2 | Secondary address of the contact. | |
Amount To Speak | Amount required to speak. | |
B Active | Indicates if the contact is active (active: 1; inactive: 0). | |
Call Attempts Life Time | Number of call attempts that can be made on the contact in a lifetime. | |
Call Attempts Today | Number of call attempts that can be made on the contact in a day. | |
City | City of the contact. | |
Client ID | Client ID. | |
Country ID | ID of the country to which the contact belongs. | |
Create Date | Date and time when the contact record is created. | |
Create User | ID of the user who created the contact record. | |
Department | Department of the contact. | |
Description | Description of the contact. | |
DOB | Date of birth of the contact. | |
Do Not Contact | Indicates if the contact can be contacted (yes: 1; no: 0). | |
Do Not Contact Today | Indicates if the contact can be contacted on the current day (yes: 1; no: 0). The value is reset when the day ends. | |
Email Address | Email address of the contact. | |
First Name | First name of the contact. | |
Group ID | ID of the contact Group. | |
Guarantor First Name | First name of the guarantor of the contact. | |
Guarantor Last Name | Last name of the guarantor of the contact. | |
Initial Load Campaign ID | ID of the campaign that is loaded first. | |
Initial Load Date | Date and time when the contact is first loaded. | |
Last Load Campaign ID | ID of the campaign that is loaded last. | |
Last Load Date | Date and time when the contact is last loaded. | |
Last Name | Last name of the contact. | |
LV Account ID | LiveVox account ID of the contact. | |
Modify Date | Date and time when the contact is modified. | |
Modify User | Name of the user who modified the contact. | |
Original Account Number | Original account number of the contact. | |
Payment Balance | Payment balance of the contact. | |
Phone 1 | Phone number in the first position in the contact. When the campaign is run, this field uses the number that is last dialed. | |
Phone 2 through Phone 10 | Phone number in the respective position in the contact. For example, Phone 2 indicates the phone number in the second position in the contact. | |
Zip/Postal Code | ZIP/postal code of the contact. | |
Salutation | Salutation for the contact. | |
SSN | Social Security Number of the contact. | |
State | State to which the contact belongs. | |
Title | Title for the contact. | |
Col1 through Col 100 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). | |
Interaction | Account | Account number of the customer involved in the interaction. |
Acct_Transaction_Id | Account transaction ID for the interaction. | |
Agent Skill Id | Skill ID of the agent involved in the interaction (for example, English or Spanish). | |
Agent_Id | ID of the agent involved in the interaction. | |
Agent_Team_Id | ID of the agent team to which the agent involved in the interaction belongs. | |
Answer_Type | Type of answer (for example, agent-initiated or system-generated). | |
Attachment ID 1 through Attachment ID 5 | ID of the attachment associated with the interaction. | |
COL1 through COL50 | Value in the respective field of the contact table. | |
Call Termination Code | Termination code for the call. | |
Call_Connect_Time | Time at which the call connects. | |
Call_Duration | Duration of the call. | |
Call_Finish_Time | Time at which the call ends. | |
Call_Recorded | Indicates if the call is recorded (yes: 1; no: 0). | |
Call_Start_Time | Time at which the call starts. | |
Call_Type | Type of call (for example, manual or preview). | |
Campaign_Id | ID of the loaded campaign. | |
Carrier | Carrier used for the interaction/interaction attempt. | |
Carrier 2 | Secondary carrier used for the interaction/interaction attempt. | |
Clicker Agent ID | ID of the Clicker Agent involved in the interaction. | |
Client_Filename | Name of the uploaded campaign that is run. The value in this field is the same as that in the Extra 10 field of the Transaction table. | |
Client_Id | Service ID. | |
Client_Record_Info_1 | First 50 characters in the Extra 15 field of the Transaction table. | |
Client_Record_Info_2 | Client code. | |
Confirm_Alternate_Number | Number provided by the customer during the interaction. | |
Confirm_Approval_Code | Input provided by the customer through IVR. | |
Confirm_Credit_Card_Exp_Date | Not used because the field is legacy. | |
Confirm_Credit_Card_Number | Not used because the field is legacy. | |
Confirm_Fax_Phone_Number | Not used because the field is legacy. | |
Confirm_First_Id | Input provided by the customer through IVR. | |
Confirm_Payment_Amount | Input provided by the customer through IVR. | |
Confirm_Second_Id | Input provided by the customer through IVR. | |
Custom_Code1 | Not used because this data is stored in the Custome Outcome 1 field of the Call Outcome table. | |
Custom_Code2 | Not used because this data is stored in the Custome Outcome 2 field of the Call Outcome table. | |
Custom_Code3 | Not used because this data is stored in the Custome Outcome 3 field of the Call Outcome table. | |
Email Subject | Subject line of the email. | |
Final_State | Final status of the call (for example, failed). | |
From Number 2 | Caller ID. The value in this field is the same as that in the From_Number 1 field. | |
From_Number1 | Caller ID for the interaction attempt. | |
Input_Alternate_Fax | Input provided by the customer through IVR. | |
Input_Alternate_Phone | Input provided by the customer through IVR. | |
Input_Approval_Code | Input provided by the customer through IVR. | |
Input_Bank_Account_Number | Not used because the field is legacy. | |
Input_Bank_Account_Type | Not used because the field is legacy. | |
Input_Bank_Routing_Number | Not used because the field is legacy. | |
Input_Credit_Card_Exp_Date | Not used because the field is legacy. | |
Input_Credit_Card_Number | Not used because the field is legacy. | |
Input_Credit_Card_Sec_Code | Not used because the field is legacy. | |
Input_Dob | Input provided by the customer through IVR. | |
Input_Dynamic_Menu1 | Input provided by the customer through IVR. | |
Input_Dynamic_Menu2 | Input provided by the customer through IVR. | |
Input_Dynamic_Menu3 | Input provided by the customer through IVR. | |
Input_First_Id | Input provided by the customer through IVR. | |
Input_Id | Input provided by the customer through IVR. | |
Input_Last_Dtmf_Pressed | Last input specified by the customer through IVR. | |
Input_Not_Available | Input provided by the customer through IVR. | |
Input_Payment_Amount | Input provided by the customer through IVR. | |
Input_Second_Id | Input provided by the customer through IVR. | |
Input_Ssn | Input provided by the customer through IVR. | |
Interaction Text | Text messages of an interaction (for example, chat or SMS). | |
Load_Date | Not used because this data is stored in the Last Load Date field of the Contact table. | |
Lv_Call_Type_Id | Type of service associated with the interaction (for example, manual or preview). | |
Lvtransaction_Type | Type of transaction (for example, callback, outbound, or SMS). | |
Operator_Phone | Operator phone number assigned to the interaction. | |
Original_Account_Number | Alternate account number of the customer. | |
Phone_Dialed | Dialed number. | |
Reserved1 | Voice talent used at the time of call. | |
Reserved10 | Unknown (null for all calls). | |
Reserved2 | Language ID. | |
Reserved3 | Failure SIP status. | |
Reserved4 | Logon ID of the agent. | |
Reserved5 | Result from the carrier for SMS transactions. | |
Reserved6 | Unknown (null for all calls). | |
Reserved7 | Unknown (null for all calls). | |
Reserved8 | Same as that in the Lvtransaction_Type field, for SMS transactions (empty for non-SMS transactions). | |
Reserved9 | Date from a SIP header to show the cause of disconnected call (similar to the Sip_Failure_Reason_Header field). | |
Rounded_Ivr_Duration | Total rounded IVR duration of the interaction. | |
Rounded_Op_Duration | Rounded Operator Transfer duration. | |
SMS Short Code | SMS short code used for the interaction. | |
Screen Recorded | Indicates if the screen is recorded (yes: 1; no: 0). | |
Sentiment | Not used; reserved for future use. | |
Session_Id | Session ID for the interaction. | |
Sip_Failure_Dial_Timeout | Indicates if a SIP failure is due to a dial timeout. | |
Sip_Failure_Reason_Header | Reason for disconnection, calls not found, calling errors, or incomplete calls. | |
Sip_Ringing_Received | Indicates if a ringing is heard when the number is dialed. | |
Tfh_Result | LiveVox Result. | |
Thread ID | ID of the interaction thread. | |
Total_Agent_Hold_Count | Total number of times that an agent placed the call on hold during the interaction. | |
Total_Agent_Hold_Duration | Total hold duration for the interaction. | |
Total_Talk_Duration | Total talk duration of the interactiion. | |
Total_Wrapup_Duration | Time taken by the agent to change the status after ending the interaction. | |
Transfer Bridge Duration | Duration between a transfer attempt and the end of the transferred call. | |
Transfer_Bridge_Time | Date and time when an audio connection is established between the agent and the customer. The time stamp is the same as that for the Transfer_Connect_Time value. | |
Transfer_Call_Result | Result of a call transfer. | |
Transfer_Connect_Time | Date and time when an audio connection is established between the agent and the customer. The time stamp is the same as that for the Transfer_Connect_Time value. | |
Transfer_Duration | Duration between a transfer attempt and the end of the transferred call. | |
Transfer_Finish_Time | Time at which the transfer ends. | |
Transfer_Hold_Duration | Duration between the Transfer Hold Start Time and the Transfer Hold End Time. Transfer Hold Start Time is the time at which the first agent team-based routing is initialized (after pre-hold prompts). Transfer Hold End Time is one of the following:
| |
Transfer_Start_Time | Time at which the transfer is initialized (before pre-hold prompts). | |
Validation_No_Match | Not used because the field is legacy. | |
Livevox Result | Live Answer | Indicates if the result is Live Answer (yes: 1; no: 0) |
Not Connected | Indicates if the result is Not Connected (yes: 1; no: 0). | |
Not Made | Indicates if the result is Not Made (yes: 1; no: 0). | |
Operator Transfer | Indicates if the result is Operator Transfer (yes: 1; no: 0). | |
Operator Transfer Successful | Indicates if the result is Operator Transfer Successful (yes: 1; no: 0). | |
Result | Result of the call. | |
Result Code | LiveVox Result code. | |
Result Id | LiveVox Result ID. | |
Schedule Callback | Active | Indicates if the scheduled callback is not made (yes: 1; no: 0). |
Agent Id | ID of the agent assigned to the scheduled callback. | |
Agent Skill Id | Skill ID of the agent assigned to the scheduled callback. | |
Agent Team IDs | ID of the agent team to which the agent assigned to the scheduled callback belongs. | |
Call Priority | Priority of the scheduled callback. | |
Callback Phone Number | Phone number for which the callback is scheduled. | |
Created Date | Date and time when the callback is scheduled (that is, when a Scheduled Callback entry is added). | |
Scheduled Callback Time | Time for which the callback is scheduled. | |
Scheduled Callback Timezone | Time zone for the number for which the callback is scheduled. | |
Status | Indicates if the scheduled callback is completed (yes: 1; no: 0). | |
Transaction | Account | Account number for the transaction. |
Account To Speak | Same as the account number of your customer (that is, the value in the Account field). This field can contain an alternate account number to be used by the IVR. | |
Acct Transaction Id | ID to identify the transaction for the account within the campaign. | |
Alt Language 1 through Alt Language 3 | Alternate language specified by the customer through the IVR. | |
Amount 1 through Amount 6 | Not used because the field is legacy. | |
Amount To Speak | Alternate number/dollar amount used in the IVR. | |
Attempt | Total number of attempts made to contact the customer. This value is the same as the total number of interactions in the Transaction table. | |
Billing | Not used because the field is legacy. | |
B Active | Indicates if the transaction is active (active: 1; inactive: 0). | |
Call Connect Time | Same as the value in the respective field of the Interaction table. | |
Call Duration | Duration of the call. | |
Call Finish Time | Same as the value in the respective field of the Interaction table. | |
Call Start Time | Same as the value in the respective field of the Interaction table. | |
Campaign Id | ID of the loaded campaign. | |
Chat Rating | When a web chat ends, customers have the option to rate their chat experience. This field shows the customer rating for the conversation. | |
Client Id | Service ID associated with the call. | |
Client Practice Id | Information about your subclients. | |
Confirm Fax Phone Number | Not used because the field is legacy. | |
Confirm Other Phone Number | Alternate number provided by the customer to identify them. | |
Confirm Payment Amount | Amount confirmed to be paid by the customer. | |
Date Modified | Date and time when the campaign is last modified. | |
Days Due 1 through Days Due 6 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). | |
Days To Speak | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). | |
Discount Amount To Speak | Not used because the field is legacy. | |
Discount Percentage To Speak | Not used because the field is legacy. | |
Extra 1 | Logon ID of the agent. | |
Extra 2 through Extra 5 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). | |
Extra 6 | Extension of the agent. | |
Extra 7 through Extra 8 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). | |
Extra 9 | Time for the scheduled call back, represented in HH:MM:SS. | |
Extra 10 | Name of the uploaded/requeued campaign. | |
Extra 11 | First five digits of the ZIP code for the transaction, used to determine the safe dialing hours based on the ZIP code-area code mismatch logic (if enabled by LiveVox). | |
Extra 12 | Date of service. This field supports only a date-formatted value. | |
Extra 13 | Address of the customer. | |
Extra 14 through Extra 16 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). | |
Extra 17 | Area code for the primary phone number. | |
Extra 18 | Date and time when the campaign is selected for reporting (post processing). | |
Extra 19 through Extra 20 | Additional information. You can use this field to store custom data (for example, desk number, agency ID, or service location). | |
Guarantor Firstname | First name of the guarantor of the customer who is called, or alternate name of the customer who is called. | |
Guarantor Lastname | Last name of the guarantor of the customer who is called, or alternate name of the customer who is called. | |
Input Other Phone Number | Alternate number provided by the customer through the IVR. | |
Insurance Company | Additional information for Text-to-Speech (TTS) purpose. | |
Insurance Type | Not used because the field is legacy. | |
Language | Voice talent code for the IVR. | |
Language Callback 1 through Language Callback 3 | Not used because the field is legacy. | |
Last Payment Date | Additional date information. | |
Lead 1 through Lead 6 | Not used because the field is legacy. | |
Lead Credit Card Number | Not used because the field is legacy. | |
Lead Other Fax Number | Not used because the field is legacy. | |
Lead Other Phone Number | Not used because the field is legacy. | |
Live Person | Not used because the field is legacy. | |
Lvtransaction Type | Type of call (for example, inbound or outbound). | |
Machine | Not used because the field is legacy. | |
Minimum Payment Amount | Not used because the field is legacy. | |
Not Available | Not used because the field is legacy. | |
No Input | Not used because the field is legacy. | |
Operator Phone | Operator phone number. For a manual service, this field uses the caller ID. | |
Original Account Number | Original account number for the transaction. | |
Outcome | Outcome of the attempts (for example, passed or failed). | |
Patient Dob | Date of birth of the customer. | |
Patient Email | Email address of the customer. | |
Patient Firstname | First name of the customer who is called. | |
Patient First Id | ZIP code of the customer who is called. | |
Patient Lastname | Last name of the customer who is called. | |
Patient Phone1 | Primary phone number associated with the account. | |
Patient Phone2 | Additional phone numbers associated with the account, separated by the pipe character. | |
Patient Second Id | ZIP code of the guarantor. | |
Patient Ssn | Social Security Number of the customer. | |
Phone Dialed | Number that is dialed as the last successful/unsuccessful attempt. | |
Phone Update | 0 if the transaction is from an outbound campaign; null for inbound and manual transactions. | |
Place Of Service Id | Subclient locations, used in conjunction with the Client Practice Id value. | |
Practice Fax | Fax number. | |
Practice Id | Subclient ID. | |
Practice Phone | Callback phone number. | |
Practice Phone Alternate | Caller ID. | |
Queued | Used for internal purpose. | |
Requeue Id | Requeue ID. | |
Result1 | Default carrier; also indicates that a call is being placed and has not been reported yet. | |
Result2 | Result of transaction (for example, successful or not made). | |
Session Id | Session ID for the transaction. | |
Template Id | Template ID of the matching campaign. | |
Tfh Result | Result of the call as defined by LiveVox. | |
Total Amount | Amount owed by the customer. | |
Transaction Update | Used for internal purpose. | |
Transfer Connect Time | Same as the value in the respective field of the Interaction table. | |
Transfer Duration | Same as the value in the respective field of the Interaction table. |
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