The Agent Assist feature uses speech-to-text processing to provide you with information and guidance during interactions and can also automate vital processes. It acts as an information helper when you interact with the customers enabling you to handle interactions more efficiently, provide information about existing offers, resolve customer issues quickly, and avoid errors during interactions.

Managers use the transcriptions to evaluate interactions. These evaluations can range from compliance adherence to script coaching.

Agent Assist performs the following functions:

  • Suggestions: Information and a checklist relevant to the interaction are displayed
  • Transcript: An accurate, speaker-separated transcript of the agent-customer interactions.
  • Notes: A space where you can add call or customer-relevant information. 
  • Summary: A summarized note for each interaction. Call summaries are automatically added to the customer’s profile in Contact Manager and are editable, ensuring a rich and robust record of interactions that is easily accessible when needed.

Accessing Agent Assist

To access Agent Assist, on the agent desktop, navigate to the Home Bar and click .

  • Your manager must enable the Agent Assist feature for it to be visible.
  • Depending on the configuration of your desktop, Agent Assist appears as an icon on the Home Bar or as the Agent Assist tab.

Based on the configuration for your desktop, the Agent Assist window appears as soon as a call is launched. If this feature is not enabled, click to open the Agent Assist window.