The Work Queue section enables you to view the activities or tasks assigned to you, including their due dates, statuses, and subjects.

The Work Queue section provides the following features:

  • Use an advanced search option to search for specific tasks.
  • View notifications of new tasks in the queue and review the tasks.
  • Open an assigned task. 

The Work Queue feature must be enabled by your manager.

Acknowledgment Tasks

Your manager can assign you tasks to review the evaluation of your calls. Calls are evaluated by an assessor (evaluator) and a task is assigned to you to review the evaluation. You can select the appropriate acknowledgment option and submit your response. 

On the agent desktop, navigate to Work Queue and double-click the acknowledgment task to display the details. You can click Accept on the Acknowledgment Task window to close and lock the evaluation. This means the response cannot be modified.

You can also dispute a score by clicking Dispute and adding your comments in the Dispute window. Disputed evaluations are moved to the arbitrator's work queue to be reviewed and possibly assigned an alternative resolution. 

An evaluation or arbitration is completed when you acknowledge it. The evaluation is moved from the In Process status and marked as complete.

E-Learning and Coaching Tasks

The e-learning and coaching tasks are assigned to you by your manager. You can perform the following tasks:

  • On the agent desktop, navigate to Work Queue and double-click the task to view more details about the e-learning or coaching task.

    • On the Material tab, download the study materials using .
    • Click Complete to complete the task.
  • If you have any comments or questions to the manager who assigned the task, click the Discuss tab.

    • Enter your question or comment and click Send Message.

      Your comment or question is displayed in your manager’s work queue as a response to the e-learning or coaching task.

  • You can also create an Email, SMS, or a Work Queue alert for specific recipients using the Create Alert button. You can use this to obtain any approvals, help, or further information about your e-learning task.
    • From the Create Alert window, select the type of alert you want to configure. Choose between Email, SMS, and Work Queue.
    • Select the recipients from the Recipients drop-down.
    • Enter the Alert Subject Line and the Message. Add attachments if any using the Attach Files button.

      For Work Queue type alert:

      • Select the priority from the Priority drop-down list and enter a value in the Days to Complete field.
      • Click the Allow replies check box to enable responses to the alert.

    • Click Send.

Notification Tasks

If your manager approves or rejects your requests for swapping shifts or taking leaves, a notification appears in your work queue. In addition, you are notified when your manager updates non-active time or published shifts.