You can transfer calls to other agents within the agent desktop.

To initiate an agent-to-agent transfer:

  1. Select the Agent option from the Call Transfer window. A drop-down menu displaying an alphabetized list of agents available to receive the transfer is displayed.
    Only agents in the Ready status are available to select from the list. This includes all Ready agents in the call center (not just the service).
  2. Select an agent by double-clicking on the agent's name to transfer the call.
  3. Click Refresh to view agents who might have recently signed in.

Important information on agent to agent transfer: 

  • LiveVox attempts to lock the Ready agents to ensure successful transfers. If the transfer lock fails due to a near-simultaneous transfer, the system notifies you and asks you to select another agent from the list.
  • When the transfer succeeds, the agent who received the transferred call receives the notification on the desktop, and the agent who sent the transfer is put back into the Ready status after the agent has selected and saved a termination code.
  • Call Recording continues once the call is transferred.